
Stem Cell Rep:新型干细胞基因修饰技术或加速个体化疗法的开发

Stem Cell Rep:新型干细胞基因修饰技术或加速个体化疗法的开发


2015年11月18日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,一项发表于国际杂志Stem Cell Reports上的研究论文中,来自墨尔本默多克儿童研究所(MCRI)等处的科学家通过研究设计出了一种方法,可以戏剧性地缩短干细胞重编程和遗传修饰的关键时间,相关研究或为后期开发治疗疾病的新型靶向疗法提供希望。

文章中研究者揭示了遗传性修复的干细胞如何在短短两周内通过病人的皮肤细胞来衍生形成,以往的常规方法需要三个月以上才可以实现。研究者Sara Howden博士表示,这项研究中我们结合了两个必要的步骤来修复细胞用作潜在疗法,首先对成体细胞进行重编程使其进入胚胎样细胞阶段以便其可以分化成为目的细胞;其次这些细胞需要经历一种复杂的基因编辑过程来修正疾病引发的突变。





Simultaneous Reprogramming and Gene Correction of Patient Fibroblasts

Sara E. Howden6correspondenceemail, John P. Maufort, Bret M. Duffin, Andrew G. Elefanty6, Edouard G. Stanley6, James A. Thomson

The derivation of genetically modified induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells typically involves multiple steps, requiring lengthy cell culture periods, drug selection, and several clonal events. We report the generation of gene-targeted iPS cell lines following a single electroporation of patient-specific fibroblasts using episomal-based reprogramming vectors and the Cas9/CRISPR system. Simultaneous reprogramming and gene targeting was tested and achieved in two independent fibroblast lines with targeting efficiencies of up to 8% of the total iPS cell population. We have successfully targeted the DNMT3B and OCT4 genes with a fluorescent reporter and corrected the disease-causing mutation in both patient fibroblast lines: one derived from an adult with retinitis pigmentosa, the other from an infant with severe combined immunodeficiency. This procedure allows the generation of gene-targeted iPS cell lines with only a single clonal event in as little as 2 weeks and without the need for drug selection, thereby facilitating “seamless” single base-pair changes.

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