
Journal of Virology:人类基因组对支气管炎病毒的治疗

Journal of Virology:人类基因组对支气管炎病毒的治疗


A*STAR分子和细胞生物学研究所的研究人员Frederic Bard称,体内有人类肺癌细胞的人会带有特殊的支气管炎病毒,可在细胞复制时引起发热。支气管炎病毒属于冠状病毒,会引起疾病严重威胁公众健康,如严重的急性呼吸系统综合症(SARS)、中东呼吸系统综合征(MERS)、以及普通感冒等。



研究人员鉴别出一种蛋白质称为含缬酪肽蛋白(VCP),他们惊奇地发现在病毒复制中该蛋白起着非常重要的作用。他们发现敲除含缬酪肽蛋白后病毒仍然可以进入细胞,但该过程可造成病毒困在囊泡结构(早期核内体)中,迫使病毒基因组无法进入细胞质。“阻止病毒在核内体中可以讲解病毒的毒性,最终帮助人体摆脱病毒毒性。” Bard解释道。(基因宝jiyinbao.com)


Genome-Wide Screen Reveals Valosin-Containing Protein Requirement for Coronavirus Exit from Endosomes

Hui Hui Wonga,b, Pankaj Kumara, Felicia Pei Ling Taya, Dimitri Moreaua, Ding Xiang Liua,c and Frédéric Barda,b

ABSTRACT Coronaviruses are RNA viruses with a large zoonotic reservoir and propensity for host switching, representing a real threat for public health, as evidenced by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the emerging Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Cellular factors required for their replication are poorly understood. Using genome-wide small interfering RNA (siRNA) screening, we identified 83 novel genes supporting infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) replication in human cells. Thirty of these hits can be placed in a network of interactions with viral proteins and are involved in RNA splicing, membrane trafficking, and ubiquitin conjugation. In addition, our screen reveals an unexpected role for valosin-containing protein (VCP/p97) in early steps of infection. Loss of VCP inhibits a previously uncharacterized degradation of the nucleocapsid N protein. This inhibition derives from virus accumulation in early endosomes, suggesting a role for VCP in the maturation of virus-loaded endosomes. The several host factors identified in this study may provide avenues for targeted therapeutics.

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