
Nat Commun:基因空白区域相互作用增加患病风险?

Nat Commun:基因空白区域相互作用增加患病风险?


2015年12月7日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,来自曼彻斯特大学等处的科学家通过研究揭示了基因间的空白区域如何相互作用来影响个体患获得性疾病的风险,比如关节炎和I型糖尿病等,相关研究发表于国际杂志Nature Communications上;文章中研究者表示,DNA折叠时内部的空白区域对于基因的开启及表达非常重要,实际上此前认为这些空白区域同基因相互作用并不会引发疾病,而如今很多基因都被认为可以增加人们患多种疾病的风险。

研究者Stephen Eyre博士表示,过去科学家们常常会通过附近基因的搜寻方法去寻找引发疾病的关键致病基因,而实际上这远比想象中复杂的多,基因间的空白区域不光会对机体产生疾病效应,而且最新研究显示,这种空白区域并不会必然影响附近基因的表达,而其可以开启远距离基因的表达和关闭。




Capture Hi-C reveals novel candidate genes and complex long-range interactions with related autoimmune risk loci

Paul Martin, Amanda McGovern, Gisela Orozco, Kate Duffus, Annie Yarwood, Stefan Schoenfelder, Nicholas J. Cooper, Anne Barton, Chris Wallace, Peter Fraser, Jane Worthington & Steve Eyre

Genome-wide association studies have been tremendously successful in identifying genetic variants associated with complex diseases. The majority of association signals are intergenic and evidence is accumulating that a high proportion of signals lie in enhancer regions. We use Capture Hi-C to investigate, for the first time, the interactions between associated variants for four autoimmune diseases and their functional targets in B- and T-cell lines. Here we report numerous looping interactions and provide evidence that only a minority of interactions are common to both B- and T-cell lines, suggesting interactions may be highly cell-type specific; some disease-associated SNPs do not interact with the nearest gene but with more compelling candidate genes (for example, FOXO1, AZI2) often situated several megabases away; and finally, regions associated with different autoimmune diseases interact with each other and the same promoter suggesting common autoimmune gene targets (for example, PTPRC, DEXI and ZFP36L1).

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