



2015年12月9日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,一项刊登在国际杂志Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences上的研究论文中,来自美国西奈山伊坎医学院(Icahn School of Medicine)的研究人员通过研究发现,癌细胞中的一类非编码RNA分子可以刺激引发机体免疫反应,这类非编码RNA分子具有和病原体类似的特性,由于其在癌症中可以表达并被放大,因此机体中所产生免疫反应或许就会影响癌症的发展。

这项研究开始于对基因组中暗物质的研究,基因组的暗物质是一类卫星DNA,其可以产生大量的非编码RNA(ncRNA),这类RNA分子并不会产生蛋白质,但却具有重要的调节作用;Benjamin Greenbaum博士指出,我们在人类和小鼠的癌细胞中发现了大量的ncRNAs,这些RNA分子存在于机体的垃圾DNA区域,在过去5年里,科学家们慢慢开始研究发现ncRNAs或许也具有重要的作用。





Distinguishing the immunostimulatory properties of noncoding RNAs expressed in cancer cells

Antoine Tannea, Luciana R. Muniza, Anna Puzio-Kuterb, Katerina I. Leonovac, Andrei V. Gudkovc, David T. Tingd, Rémi Monassone, Simona Coccof, Arnold J. Levineb,g,1, Nina Bhardwaja,2, and Benjamin D. Greenbauma,g,h,1,2

Recent studies have demonstrated abundant transcription of a set of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) preferentially within tumors as opposed to normal tissue. Using an approach from statistical physics, we quantify global transcriptome-wide motif use for the first time, to our knowledge, in human and murine ncRNAs, determining that most have motif use consistent with the coding genome. However, an outlier subset of tumor-associated ncRNAs, typically of recent evolutionary origin, has motif use that is often indicative of pathogen-associated RNA. For instance, we show that the tumor-associated human repeat human satellite repeat II (HSATII) is enriched in motifs containing CpG dinucleotides in AU-rich contexts that most of the human genome and human adapted viruses have evolved to avoid. We demonstrate that a key subset of these ncRNAs functions as immunostimulatory “self-agonists” and directly activates cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system to produce proinflammatory cytokines. These ncRNAs arise from endogenous repetitive elements that are normally silenced, yet are often very highly expressed in cancers. We propose that the innate response in tumors may partially originate from direct interaction of immunogenic ncRNAs expressed in cancer cells with innate pattern recognition receptors, and thereby assign a previously unidentified danger-associated function to a set of dark matter repetitive elements. These findings potentially reconcile several observations concerning the role of ncRNA expression in cancers and their relationship to the tumor microenvironment.

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