



2015年12月14日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,在举办的2015年圣安东尼奥乳癌研讨会(San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium)上,来自耶鲁大学的研究人员表示,他们通过对人类基因组中2万个蛋白编码基因进行筛查,最终发现了耐药性背后的新型复杂性机制,同时还鉴别出了特殊的突变模式,来帮助预测疗法是否对恶性乳腺癌患者有效。


这项研究中研究者表示,患早期乳腺癌的患者在外科手术前利用紫杉酚化疗法结合两种乳腺癌药物(曲妥珠单抗或拉帕替尼)进行治疗,亦或者是仅利用药物进行治疗。Lajos Pusztai博士表示,关键的一点就是不同的癌症都会通过不同基因产生的不同突变来获得对曲妥珠单抗的耐药性,而目前唯一的希望就是这些基因可以参与日常的机体生化过程,而这所有的生化过程都是通过PIK3CA基因来进行的。





Whole exome sequencing of pre-treatment biopsies from the neoALTTO trial to identify DNA aberrations associated with response to HER2-targeted therapies

Pusztai L, Shi W, Jiang T, Nuciforo P, Holmes E, Harbeck N, Sotiriou C, Rimm D, Hatzis C, de la Peña L, Armour A, Piccart-Gebhart M, Baselga J. Yale University, New Haven, CT; Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, Spain; Frontier Science (Scotland) Ltd; University of Munich; Jules Bordet Institute; Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; SOLTI Clinical Trial Group; Novartis

Background: We examined if alterations in nucleic acid variants, genes, pathways, and overall mutational load and clonal entropy are associated with pathologic complete response (pCR) and survival after neoadjuvant anti-HER2 therapies in the NeoALTTO trial.

Methods: Whole exome sequencing was performed of 203 baseline biopsies with outcome information. The mean nucleotide coverage was 150x with >90% of target bases showing > 30x coverage in > 99% of samples. Somatic mutations were called by MuTect and indels by Strelka, using pooled reference normal DNA. Significantly mutated genes (FDR<10%) were identified by MutSigCV. Mutations in 714 canonical biological pathways were assessed and mutational load and genome clonal entropy (MATH) were calculated. Association with pCR and survival were evaluated by logistic regression adjusted for ER status and Cox-proportional hazards regression.

Results: Only 12 genes had mutation rates significantly above background and among these only PI3KCA was associated with lower pCR rate (OR=0.42, p=0.019). Genes with somatic mutations in more than 10 patients were also assessed, but none were associated with pCR or survival. Clonal entropy or adjusted mutation load also did not correlate with response. Mutations in 33 pathways showed significant association with response in the entire cohort. In the trastuzumab arm, 23 of the 33 pathways showed an association with response but none was independent of PIK3CA mutation. We constructed “PIK3CA-gene network” that included all unique genes (n=439) from theese 23 pathways. Of the 66 patients in the trastuzumab arm, 50 carried at least one mutation in one of the 439 genes and among these only 2 achieved pCR (4%) compared to 9 of 16 pCR (56%) among the wild type (OR=0.035; p < 0.001). The same genes/mutations had little impact on pCR in the lapatinib arm (pCR 20%). In the lapatinib arm, mutations in 3 pathways conferred higher probability of pCR. The “Regulation of RhoA activity” pathway, had the most significant association with pCR in the entire cohort (OR=3.77, p=0.0009) and in the lapatininb (pCR 67% vs 17%, OR=14.8, p=0.008) and lapatinib + trastuzumab (OR=3.0, p=0.06) arms, but not in the trastuzumab arm (OR=1.4, p=0.7). Event free and overall survival were also significantly higher in patients who had mutations in this pathway. Twenty seven of the 48 genes in this pathway had mutations affecting 33 patients but different genes were affected in different individuals.

Conclusions: There are no high frequency recurrent single mutations associated with response to HER2-targeted therapies, other than PIK3CA. We identified several biological pathways, including RhoA activity, and a network of PIK3CA associated genes that are significantly associated with response when affected by mutations, however, different genes are mutated in different individuals.

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