



2015年12月15日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –优胜劣汰,适者生存是生物学界最容易被误解的术语,近日,刊登在国际杂志PNAS上的一项研究报告中,来自加利福尼亚大学的研究人员通过研究表示,对于人类而言,自然选择或许更倾向于使得祖父母获得遗传保护而抵御痴呆症的发生,老年阶段维持较好的认知和记忆能力或许会促进老年人传播他们的智慧,并且关爱子孙们,同时痴呆症的老年人却跟需要照顾自己。



这项研究中,研究人员鉴别出了10个突变基因,其可以保护机体抵御血管形式的痴呆症的发生,这10个基因分别为APOE, AGT, SCG2, CAPN10, TCF7L2, EBF1, COX-2, CYP3A5, PPARG, 和PON1,血管性痴呆往往会阻断血流,而这10个基因可以保护机体抵御高血压、2型糖尿病及心血管疾病,研究人员在现代非洲人机体中也发现了这些衍生的保护性等位基因,这就表明这些基因至少已经存在了10万年了。



Human-specific derived alleles of CD33 and other genes protect against postreproductive cognitive decline

Flavio Schwarza,b,c,d,1, Stevan A. Springera,b,d,1, Tasha K. Altheidea,b,c,d, Nissi M. Varkia,b,e, Pascal Gagneuxa,b,e,2, and Ajit Varkia,b,c,d,2

The individuals of most vertebrate species die when they can no longer reproduce. Humans are a rare exception, having evolved a prolonged postreproductive lifespan. Elders contribute to cooperative offspring care, assist in foraging, and communicate important ecological and cultural knowledge, increasing the survival of younger individuals. Age-related deterioration of cognitive capacity in humans compromises these benefits and also burdens the group with socially costly members. We investigated the contribution of the immunoregulatory receptor CD33 to a uniquely human postreproductive disease, Alzheimer’s dementia. Surprisingly, even though selection at advanced age is expected to be weak, a CD33 allele protective against Alzheimer’s disease is derived and unique to humans and favors a functional molecular state of CD33 resembling that of the chimpanzee. Thus, derived alleles may be compensatory and restore interactions altered as a consequence of human-specific brain evolution. We found several other examples of derived alleles at other human loci that protect against age-related cognitive deterioration arising from neurodegenerative disease or cerebrovascular insufficiency. Selection by inclusive fitness may be strong enough to favor alleles protecting specifically against cognitive decline in postreproductive humans. Such selection would operate by maximizing the contributions of postreproductive individuals to the fitness of younger kin.

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