
Current Biology:标定胞外囊泡相关基因


Current Biology:标定胞外囊泡相关基因


2015年12月13日/生物谷BIOON/–几十年来,科学家们一直认为,人体细胞释放的非常微小的囊泡往往并非很重要的东西,可能仅是一些生物碎屑或者无法消化的成分。但一项发表在《Current Biology》上的研究指出,在线虫中这些囊泡有着重要作用。


科学家仍不能确定囊泡是如何形成的,也不知道为什么囊泡中包裹的分子不同会导致不同的结果。但是,研究人员指出,使用线虫模型可能帮助解决这些问题,因为线虫中有许多基因与人类相似。本文作者之一、美国罗格斯大学Maureen Barr教授和她的同事,已经找到了囊泡携带不同分子的一个控制途径。在外排囊泡中携带的蛋白质有多种,其中有一种与人类的一种遗传学疾病多囊肾相关。多囊肾病基因产物的分泌蛋白即出现在人类细胞中,还出现在线虫细胞中,但是没人知道为什么这种蛋白会出现在外排的囊泡中。



 Current Biology:标定胞外囊泡相关基因

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.10.057



Cell-Specific Transcriptional Profiling of Ciliated Sensory Neurons Reveals Regulators of Behavior and Extracellular Vesicle Biogenesis


•Extracellular vesicle (EV)-releasing neuron (EVN) genes act in sensory signaling

•This is the first cell-specific profile of EVNs isolated from adult C. elegans

•TRAF homologs are required for polycystin-mediated male mating behaviors

•p38 MAPK PMK-1 regulates EV biogenesis independent of its canonical kinase cascade


Cilia and extracellular vesicles (EVs) are signaling organelles [ 1 ]. Cilia act as cellular sensory antennae, with defects resulting in human ciliopathies. Cilia both release and bind to EVs [ 1 ]. EVs are sub-micron-sized particles released by cells and function in both short- and long-range intercellular communication. InC. elegans and mammals, the autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) gene products polycystin-1 and polycystin-2 localize to both cilia and EVs, act in the same genetic pathway, and function in a sensory capacity, suggesting ancient conservation [ 2 ]. A fundamental understanding of EV biology and the relationship between the polycystins, cilia, and EVs is lacking. To define properties of a ciliated EV-releasing cell, we performed RNA-seq on 27 GFP-labeled EV-releasing neurons (EVNs) isolated from adult C. elegans. We identified 335 significantly overrepresented genes, of which 61 were validated by GFP reporters. The EVN transcriptional profile uncovered new pathways controlling EV biogenesis and polycystin signaling and also identified EV cargo, which included an antimicrobial peptide and ASIC channel. Tumor-necrosis-associated factor (TRAF) homologs trf-1 and trf-2 and the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)pmk-1 acted in polycystin-signaling pathways controlling male mating behaviors. pmk-1 was also required for EV biogenesis, independent of the innate immunity MAPK signaling cascade. This first high-resolution transcriptome profile of a subtype of ciliated sensory neurons isolated from adult animals reveals the functional components of an EVN.

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