



“想象DNA骨架上的两个标签是由DNA弹簧构型熵模型连接在一起的。”Kevin Dorfman说,他是明尼苏达州大学科学与工程学教授。“如果这是一个弹簧振子……然后我们就期望看到其它弹簧长度正负位移的概率相等。”




研究者通过标记的DNA开始,从大肠杆菌的细胞中提取的基因组DNA,剔除单个核苷酸和不同目标位置的核心区,并插入荧光核苷酸到这些区域。每一个DNA链通常约有300,000个碱基对,之后将其注入到45 纳米宽的纳米通道中。然后他们使用数码相机拍摄出标签的位置。而在纳米通道记录中典型的DNA单分子研究中记录了几十个分子的统计数据,研究者的方法涉及到成千上万的分子,每一种分子覆盖了一系列标签,之后得出数以百万计两个标签之间距离的测量值,这对确定概率分布是非常必要的。




Measurements of DNA barcode label separations in nanochannels from time-series data

Julian Sheats1, Jeffrey G. Reifenberger2, Han Cao2 and Kevin D. Dorfman1,a)

We analyzedtime-series data for fluctuations of intramolecular segments of barcoded E. coligenomicDNA molecules confined in nanochannels with sizes near the persistence length of DNA. These dynamic data allowed us to measure the probability distribution governing the distance between labels on the DNA backbone, which is a key input into the alignment methods used for genome mapping in nanochannels. Importantly, this dynamic method does not require alignment of the barcode to the reference genome, thereby removing a source of potential systematic error in a previous study of this type. The results thus obtained support previous evidence for a left-skewed probability density for the distance between labels, albeit at a lower magnitude of skewness. We further show that the majority of large fluctuations between labels are short-lived events, which sheds further light upon the success of the linearized DNAgenome mapping technique. This time-resolved data analysis will improve existing genome map alignment algorithms, and the overall idea of using dynamic data could potentially improve the accuracy of genome mapping, especially for complex heterogeneous samples such as cancer cells.

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