
Sci Rep:新年新目标:通过锻炼来钝化肥胖基因的效应吧!

Sci Rep:新年新目标:通过锻炼来钝化肥胖基因的效应吧!


2016年1月7日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,一项发表于国际杂志Scientific Reports上的研究论文中,来自麦克马斯特大学的研究人员通过研究发现,人们或许可以通过积极运动的生活方式来削弱遗传性肥胖基因对机体的影响。

文章中,研究人员David Meyre及其同事对多种族人群进行研究发现,机体的积极生活运动方式可以大量地降低主要肥胖基因FTO对机体体重的遗传性效应;研究者说道,本文研究就为我们提供了大量的信息来以人类机体的肥胖易感基因为靶点开发新型抵御肥胖的疗法,机体的体重并不会被写入到遗传蓝图中。

研究人员对来自6个族群的17400名个体的数据进行分析,这6个族群分别为南亚、东亚、欧洲、非洲、拉丁美洲及美洲原住民,而研究人员在17个国家招募了这些研究对象,并对其进行了3年多的跟踪调查;Hudson Reddon博士说道,为了增强我们研究结果的可信度,我们利用对机体的体力活动进行了基本及精确地测定(包括代谢当量的评分),随后将传统的体重指数同身体脂肪指数(body adiposity index)进行对比。



Physical activity and genetic predisposition to obesity in a multiethnic longitudinal study

Hudson Reddon, Hertzel C. Gerstein, James C. Engert, Viswanathan Mohan, Jackie Bosch, Dipika Desai, Swneke D. Bailey, Rafael Diaz, Salim Yusuf, Sonia S. Anand & David Meyre

Physical activity (PA) has been shown to reduce the impact of FTO variation and obesity genetic risk scores (GRS) on BMI. We examined this interaction using a quantitative measure of PA and two adiposity indexes in a longitudinal multi-ethnic study. We analyzed the impact of PA on the association between 14 obesity predisposing variants (analyzed independently and as a GRS) and baseline/follow-up obesity measures in the multi-ethnic prospective cohort EpiDREAM (17423 participants from six ethnic groups). PA was analyzed using basic (low-moderate-high) and quantitative measures (metabolic equivalents (METS)), while BMI and the body adiposity index (BAI) were used to measure obesity. Increased PA was associated with decreased BMI/BAI at baseline/follow-up. FTO rs1421085, CDKAL1 rs2206734, TNNl3K rs1514176, GIPR rs11671664 and the GRS were associated with obesity measures at baseline and/or follow-up. Risk alleles of three SNPs displayed nominal associations with increased (NTRK2 rs1211166, BDNF rs1401635) or decreased (NPC1 rs1805081) basic PA score independently of BMI/BAI. Both basic and quantitative PA measures attenuated the association between FTO rs1421085 risk allele and BMI/BAI at baseline and follow-up. Our results show that physical activity can blunt the genetic effect of FTO rs1421085 on adiposity by 36–75% in a longitudinal multi-ethnic cohort.

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