
Oncogene:抑癌基因逆袭了 或促进结直肠癌扩散

Oncogene:抑癌基因逆袭了 或促进结直肠癌扩散


2016年1月7日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,来自美国密苏里大学医学院的研究人员通过研究发现,一种可以抑制多种癌症生长和扩散的基因或许可以促进某些结直肠癌的生长和扩散,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Oncogene上,该研究为后期开发治疗结直肠癌的新疗法提供了新的思路和希望。

文章中,研究人员Sharad Khare说道,这种基因名为Sprouty2,此前该基因被认为可以帮助抵御癌症转移或癌症向机体其它部位转移,比如乳腺癌、前列腺癌及肝癌等;然而最新的分子生物学研究结果表明,基因Sprouty2实际上可以帮助促进结直肠癌的转移。





Atypical role of sprouty in colorectal cancer: sprouty repression inhibits epithelial-mesenchymal transition.

Zhang Q1, Wei T1, Shim K2, Wright K2, Xu K1, Palka-Hamblin HL3, Jurkevich A4, Khare S1,5.

Sprouty (SPRY) appears to act as a tumor suppressor in cancer, whereas we demonstrated that SPRY2 functions as a putative oncogene in colorectal cancer (CRC) (Oncogene, 2010, 29: 5241-5253). We investigated the mechanisms by which SPRY regulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in CRC. SPRY1 and SPRY2 mRNA transcripts were significantly upregulated in human CRC. Suppression of SPRY2 repressed AKT2 and EMT-inducing transcription factors and significantly increased E-cadherin expression. Concurrent downregulation of SPRY1 and SPRY2 also increased E-cadherin and suppressed mesenchymal markers in colon cancer cells. An inverse expression pattern between AKT2 and E-cadherin was established in a human CRC tissue microarray. SPRY2 negatively regulated miR-194-5p that interacts with AKT2 3′ untranslated region. Mir-194 mimics increased E-cadherin expression and suppressed cancer cell migration and invasion. By confocal microscopy, we demonstrated redistribution of E-cadherin to plasma membrane in colon cancer cells transfected with miR-194. Spry1-/- and Spry2-/- double mutant mouse embryonic fibroblasts exhibited decreased cell migration while acquiring several epithelial markers. In CRC, SPRY drive EMT and may serve as a biomarker of poor prognosis.Oncogene advance online publication, 5 October 2015; doi:10.1038/onc.2015.365.

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