2015年2月7日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,一项刊登在国际杂志Nature Communications上的研究论文中,来自英国关节炎研究中心等处的研究人员通过研究鉴别出了一种新型的遗传突变或和牛皮癣关节炎(PsA)但并不是银屑病直接相关。
本文研究中研究者发现的遗传改变或许会增加个体患PsA的风险;当前的观点主要分为是否PsA是一种独立发生的疾病,或者银屑病是同风湿性关节炎相结合,John Bowes博士表示,我们的研究提出了PsA的遗传学新见解,其巍可以帮助解释银屑病和PsA之间的基础性差异,而研究结果也指出,CD8+细胞或许是引发PsA炎症的驱动子,这或许就可以帮助我们有效鉴别出会发生PsA的高风险银屑病人群。
Dense genotyping of immune-related susceptibility loci reveals new insights into the genetics of psoriatic arthritis
John Bowes, Ashley Budu-Aggrey, Ulrike Huffmeier, Steffen Uebe, Kathryn Steel, Harry L. Hebert, Chris Wallace, Jonathan Massey, Ian N. Bruce, James Bluett, Marie Feletar, Ann W. Morgan, Helena Marzo-Ortega, Gary Donohoe, Derek W. Morris, Philip Helliwell, Anthony W. Ryan, David Kane, Richard B. Warren, Eleanor Korendowych et al.
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory arthritis associated with psoriasis and, despite the larger estimated heritability for PsA, the majority of genetic susceptibility loci identified to date are shared with psoriasis. Here, we present results from a case–control association study on 1,962 PsA patients and 8,923 controls using the Immunochip genotyping array. We identify eight loci passing genome-wide significance, secondary independent effects at three loci and a distinct PsA-specific variant at the IL23R locus. We report two novel loci and evidence of a novel PsA-specific association at chromosome 5q31. Imputation of classical HLA alleles, amino acids and SNPs across the MHC region highlights three independent associations to class I genes. Finally, we find an enrichment of associated variants to markers of open chromatin in CD8+ memory primary T cells. This study identifies key insights into the genetics of PsA that could begin to explain fundamental differences between psoriasis and PsA.