


2016年3月10日/生物谷BIOON/–在一项新的研究中,来自新加坡科技研究局(A*STAR)的研究人员发现酵母细胞即便缺失某些“必需的”基因,也仍然能够存活下来。这一令人吃惊的发现在理解细胞如何适应充满挑战性的环境以及解决耐药性问题上产生重大影响。相关研究结果近期发表在Cell期刊上,论文标题为“Gene Essentiality Is a Quantitative Property Linked to Cellular Evolvability”。

在此之前,必需基因(essential gene)被定义为在细胞存活中起着至关重要作用的基因。这种教科书上的定义成为很多治疗方法的基础:药物被开发出来阻断癌细胞和致病性细菌中的必需基因,从而杀死这些危险的细胞。

如今,在这项研究中,来自A*STAR医学生物学研究所和新加坡免疫学组(Singapore Immunology Network)的Giulia Rancati、Norman Pavelka和及其同事们证实这种情形并不是如此明了。他们发现,在给定时间内,酵母细胞能够经历进化过程,从而允许它们适应某些之前被认为是必需的基因的缺乏。

这意味着存在三种类型的基因:不会因进化而发生变化的必需基因(non evolvable essential genes),不是必需的基因(non essential genes),以及可波动变化的位于这两种类型之间的基因,其中研究人员将第三种称为因进化而可发生变化的必需基因(evolvable essential genes)。Rancati解释道,“我们的研究证实一些必需基因要比其他的必需基因更加必需。”




Rancati 说,“接下来就是将这些研究发现应用到哺乳动物系统中。我们已经着手计划进行全基因组筛选以便当必需基因被剔除时,研究人细胞的可进化性(evolvability)。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)

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Gene Essentiality Is a Quantitative Property Linked to Cellular Evolvability


Gaowen Liu, Mei Yun Jacy Yong, Marina Yurieva, Kandhadayar Gopalan Srinivasan, Jaron Liu, John Soon Yew Lim, Michael Poidinger, Graham Daniel Wright,Francesca Zolezzi, Hyungwon Choi, Norman Pavelka, Giulia Rancati

Gene essentiality is typically determined by assessing the viability of the corresponding mutant cells, but this definition fails to account for the ability of cells to adaptively evolve to genetic perturbations. Here, we performed a stringent screen to assess the degree to which Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells can survive the deletion of ∼1,000 individual “essential” genes and found that ∼9% of these genetic perturbations could in fact be overcome by adaptive evolution. Our analyses uncovered a genome-wide gradient of gene essentiality, with certain essential cellular functions being more “evolvable” than others. Ploidy changes were prevalent among the evolved mutant strains, and aneuploidy of a specific chromosome was adaptive for a class of evolvable nucleoporin mutants. These data justify a quantitative redefinition of gene essentiality that incorporates both viability and evolvability of the corresponding mutant cells and will enable selection of therapeutic targets associated with lower risk of emergence of drug resistance.

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