
BMC Bioinformatics:一种进行肠道细菌宏基因组分析的强大工具

BMC Bioinformatics:一种进行肠道细菌宏基因组分析的强大工具


2016年3月14日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,刊登于国际杂志BMC Bioinformatics上的一项研究报告中,来自莫斯科物理技术学院创新中心的一组研究者设计了一种新方法,该方法可以对生物材料样本中的所有有机体进行宏基因组偶联的DNA序列对比分析,同时该方法或可帮助有效且快速地解决样本对比中出现的问题,而且还可以被轻松嵌入到数据分析过程中进行宏基因组的研究。




我们都知道,细菌在肠道中群落组成在不同个体间是明显不同的,而新型算法或可帮助揭示不同组成的差异;相比利用传统方法对参考数据集进行绘图分析,研究者开发的新方法可以通过比较数据间的k-mers来得出更好的分析结果。此外当利用真实数据时,肠道群落的k-mer值和传统方法结果之间的错配将帮助我们检测肠道宏基因组(细菌噬菌体crAssphage)中的另一种重要的组分;研究者Dmitri Alexeev说道,这种特殊基因不仅可以被认为是DNA的片段,而且还可以作为常规信息进行分析,而相关的信息则可以帮助鉴别出新型的DNA片段。


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Assessment of k-mer spectrum applicability for metagenomic dissimilarity analysis

Veronika B. DubinkinaEmail author, Dmitry S. Ischenko, Vladimir I. Ulyantsev, Alexander V. Tyakht and Dmitry G. Alexeev

Background A rapidly increasing flow of genomic data requires the development of efficient methods for obtaining its compact representation. Feature extraction facilitates classification, clustering and model analysis for testing and refining biological hypotheses. “Shotgun” metagenome is an analytically challenging type of genomic data – containing sequences of all genes from the totality of a complex microbial community. Recently, researchers started to analyze metagenomes using reference-free methods based on the analysis of oligonucleotides (k-mers) frequency spectrum previously applied to isolated genomes. However, little is known about their correlation with the existing approaches for metagenomic feature extraction, as well as the limits of applicability. Here we evaluated a metagenomic pairwise dissimilarity measure based on short k-mer spectrum using the example of human gut microbiota, a biomedically significant object of study. Results We developed a method for calculating pairwise dissimilarity (beta-diversity) of “shotgun” metagenomes based on short k-mer spectra (5≤k≤11). The method was validated on simulated metagenomes and further applied to a large collection of human gut metagenomes from the populations of the world (n=281). The k-mer spectrum-based measure was found to behave similarly to one based on mapping to a reference gene catalog, but different from one using a genome catalog. This difference turned out to be associated with a significant presence of viral reads in a number of metagenomes. Simulations showed limited impact of bacterial genetic variability as well as sequencing errors on k-mer spectra. Specific differences between the datasets from individual populations were identified. Conclusions Our approach allows rapid estimation of pairwise dissimilarity between metagenomes. Though we applied this technique to gut microbiota, it should be useful for arbitrary metagenomes, even metagenomes with novel microbiota. Dissimilarity measure based on k-mer spectrum provides a wider perspective in comparison with the ones based on the alignment against reference sequence sets. It helps not to miss possible outstanding features of metagenomic composition, particularly related to the presence of an unknown bacteria, virus or eukaryote, as well as to technical artifacts (sample contamination, reads of non-biological origin, etc.) at the early stages of bioinformatic analysis. Our method is complementary to reference-based approaches and can be easily integrated into metagenomic analysis pipelines.


BMC Bioinformatics:一种进行肠道细菌宏基因组分析的强大工具


会议时间:2016.04.15-2016.04.16 会议地点:上海

会议详情: http://www.bioon.com/z/2016MicIntestinal/Index.shtml

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