

寨卡病毒的透射电子显微图,图片来自Cynthia Goldsmith/CDC

2016年3月31日/生物谷BIOON/–寨卡病毒(Zika virus, ZIKV)感染与出生疾病头小畸型(microcephaly)存在潜在的关联。在一项新的研究中,来自英国牛津大学和巴西Evandro Chagas研究所等机构的研究人员对巴西的寨卡病毒暴发进行首个基因组分析,从而提供关于这种病毒如何和何时可能进入美洲方面的新信息。相关研究结果于发表在2016年3月24日那期Science期刊上,论文标题为“Zika Virus in the Americas: Early Epidemiological and Genetic Findings”。






英国剑桥大学动物学系生物学家Oliver Pybus教授说,“我们研究了更广范围的人类活动模式,重点关注2012年以来从已报道发生寨卡病例的国家到巴西旅行的飞机乘客。”



来自牛津大学和Evandro Chagas研究所的Nuno Faria博士说,“这是首次利用基因组数据研究巴西寨卡病毒暴发。它为我们进一步开展研究奠定良好的基础。”



Evandro Chagas研究所Márcio Nunes博士说,“我们的基因组测序研究已对巴西的寨卡病毒传播有了更加清晰的了解。然而,仍然迫切需要更多的基因组数据来理解这种病毒在美洲和巴西的起源、空间扩散和进化。”

Evandro Chagas研究所Pedro Vasconcelos博士说,“当前,27个巴西省中的22个和巴西联邦区(Federal District)都报道了本土的寨卡病毒病例,这意味着80%以上的人口都面临着感染的风险。巴西卫生部已估计2015期间,50万至150万人感染上寨卡病毒。报道了大约4000例头小畸型疑似病例,其中有500例与寨卡病毒相关联。最后,还证实几例死产和新生儿死亡与寨卡病毒存在关联,以及至少3例与寨卡病毒相关的自身免疫疾病病人死亡。”

“寨卡病毒因此代表着对巴西这个国家的一种严重威胁。相应地,在这种病毒流行的巴西、其他拉丁美洲和加勒比海国家,应尽可能快地采取行动阻止它的发病率,或者让这种发病率最小化。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)

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Zika virus in the Americas: Early epidemiological and genetic findings


Nuno Rodrigues Faria1,2,*,Raimunda do Socorro da Silva Azevedo3,*,Moritz U. G. Kraemer2,Renato Souza4,Mariana Sequetin Cunha4,Sarah C. Hill2,Julien Thézé2,Michael B. Bonsall2,Thomas A. Bowden5,Ilona Rissanen5,Iray Maria Rocco4,Juliana Silva Nogueira4,Adriana Yurika Maeda4,Fernanda Giseli da Silva Vasami4,Fernando Luiz de Lima MaceLivia Medeiros Neves Casseb3,Darlene de Brito Simith3,Jane P. Messina2,6,Leandro Abade2,José Louren?o2,Luiz Carlos Junior Alcantara7,Maricélia Maia de Lima8,Marta Giovanetti7,Simon I. Hay9,5,Rodrigo Santos de Oliveira1,Poliana da Silva Lemos1,Layanna Freitas deOliveira1,Clayton Pereira Silva de Lima1,Sandro Patroca danaina Mota de Vasconcelos1,Luciano Franco1,Jedson Ferreira Cardoso1,Jo?o Lídio da Silva Gon?alves Vianez-Júnior1,Daiana Mir10,Gonzalo Bello10,EdsoDelatorre10,KamranKhan11,12,Marisa Creatore13,Giovanini Evelim Coelho14,Wanderson Kleber de Oliveira14,Robert Tesh15,Oliver G. Pybus2,6,?,?,Marcio R. T. Nunes1,15,?,?,Pedro F. C. Vasconcelos

Brazil has experienced an unprecedented epidemic of Zika virus (ZIKV), with ~30,000 cases reported to date. ZIKV was first detected in Brazil in May 2015 and cases of microcephaly potentially associated with ZIKV infection were identified in November 2015. Using next generation sequencing we generated seven Brazilian ZIKV genomes, sampled from four self-limited cases, one blood donor, one fatal adult case, and one newborn with microcephaly and congenital malformations. Phylogenetic and molecular clock analyses show a single introduction of ZIKV into the Americas, estimated to have occurred between May-Dec 2013, more than 12 months prior to the detection of ZIKV in Brazil. The estimated date of origin coincides with an increase in air passengers to Brazil from ZIKV endemic areas, and with reported outbreaks in Pacific Islands. ZIKV genomes from Brazil are phylogenetically interspersed with those from other South American and Caribbean countries. Mapping mutations onto existing structural models revealed the context of viral amino acid changes present in the outbreak lineage; however no shared amino acid changes were found among the three currently available virus genomes from microcephaly cases. Municipality-level incidence data indicate that reports of suspected microcephaly in Brazil best correlate with ZIKV incidence around week 17 of pregnancy, although this does not demonstrate causation. Our genetic description and analysis of ZIKV isolates in Brazil provide a baseline for future studies of the evolution and molecular epidemiology in the Americas of this emerging virus.

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