“我们的研究表明,能够改善心脏功能的方法是找到一种可以改善SIRT5活性的途径。” 化学与化学生物学教授Hening Lin说,该文于4月5日在线发表在《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences》上。
Hening Lin的实验室从小鼠的五个位置(心、肝、肾、脑、肌肉)进行了测试,他们发现蛋白质赖氨酸琥珀酰化最大程度发生在心脏中。测试小鼠去除了SIRT5。
去除SIRT5会导致ECHA活性减少, ECHA是一种蛋白质,它参与脂肪酸氧化和减少三磷酸腺苷(ATP)水平的过程,它可以在细胞内储存和转移化学能量。
去除SIRT5对心脏功能的影响在大龄小鼠中更加明显。研究人员对8周龄小鼠进行超声心动描述,顺便对降低的心脏功能进行观察。待小鼠在39周龄时再做测试,结果显示小鼠心脏肥大,心脏重量和左心室质量增加 ,以及心脏射血分数减少。
Hening Lin说,维生素B3,也称为烟酸,可促进小分子烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NAD) 的产生,它是所有活细胞中存在的一种辅酶。SIRT5像所有长寿蛋白一样是NAD依赖品。
“如果你有办法促进长寿蛋白活性,如服用维生素补充剂或以某种方式提高长寿蛋白水平,你可能就会拥有更健康的组织和器官从而延长你的健康生活。”Hening Lin说。(基因宝jiyinbao.com)
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Metabolomics-assisted proteomics identifies succinylation and SIRT5 as important regulators of cardiac function
Sushabhan Sadhukhana, Xiaojing Liub,c,d, Dongryeol Ryue, Ornella D. Nelsona, John A. Stupinskif, Zhi Lia, Wei Cheng, Sheng Zhangg, Robert S. Weissf, Jason W. Locasaleb,c,d, Johan Auwerxe,1, and Hening Lina,h,1 Author Affiliations
Cellular metabolites, such as acyl-CoA, can modify proteins, leading to protein posttranslational modifications (PTMs). One such PTM is lysine succinylation, which is regulated by sirtuin 5 (SIRT5). Although numerous proteins are modified by lysine succinylation, the physiological significance of lysine succinylation and SIRT5 remains elusive. Here, by profiling acyl-CoA molecules in various mouse tissues, we have discovered that different tissues have different acyl-CoA profiles and that succinyl-CoA is the most abundant acyl-CoA molecule in the heart. This interesting observation has prompted us to examine protein lysine succinylation in different mouse tissues in the presence and absence of SIRT5. Protein lysine succinylation predominantly accumulates in the heart when Sirt5 is deleted. Using proteomic studies, we have identified many cardiac proteins regulated by SIRT5. Our data suggest that ECHA, a protein involved in fatty acid oxidation, is a major enzyme that is regulated by SIRT5 and affects heart function. Sirt5 knockout (KO) mice have lower ECHA activity, increased long-chain acyl-CoAs, and decreased ATP in the heart under fasting conditions. Sirt5 KO mice develop hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, as evident from the increased heart weight relative to body weight, as well as reduced shortening and ejection fractions. These findings establish that regulating heart metabolism and function is a major physiological function of lysine succinylation and SIRT5.