

图片来自Jackie Mostek。
在这项研究中,研究人员分析了来自14种癌症类型的1161种肿瘤样品的2千万多个DNA突变。他们发现在许多癌症类型中,尤其是皮肤癌,发生在被称作“基因启动子”的基因组区域中的DNA突变数量特别高。重要的是,这些DNA序列控制着基因如何表达,而这又会决定细胞的类型和功能。相关研究结果于2016年4月13日在线发表在Nature期刊上,论文标题为“Differential DNA repair underlies mutation hotspots at active promoters in cancer genomes”。
研究人员发现DNA突变数量在基因启动子中增加的原因在于结合到DNA上控制基因表达的蛋白阻断我们的细胞中的负责修复DNA损伤的多种修复系统中的一种。这种系统被称作核苷酸切除修复(nucleotide excision repair, NER),是人细胞中多种DNA修复机制的一种,也是唯一的一种能够修复紫外线造成的DNA损伤的机制。
论文通信作者、UNSW洛伊癌症研究中心(Lowy Cancer Research Centre)生物信息学与整合基因组学研究小组领导者Jason Wong博士说,这些结果提供了令人信服的证据表明在基因启动子位点上的DNA突变增加是由于NER系统受到破坏而造成的。
在国际上,科学家们在此之前仅仅在端粒酶逆转录酶(telomerase reverse transcriptase, TERT)基因上鉴定出一种确切性地导致癌症的启动子突变。
论文共同作者、血液专家、UNSW副教授John Pimanda说,“这些发现非常令人印象深刻,这是因为它们揭示出仅仅通过提出恰当的问题,就可使用现有的和公开获得的‘大数据’[获得发现]。”
Pimanda 说,“这项研究强调了对生物信息学与基因组学研究进行投资能够获得回报。”(生物谷 Bioon.com)

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Differential DNA repair underlies mutation hotspots at active promoters in cancer genomes


Dilmi Perera, Rebecca C. Poulos, Anushi Shah, Dominik Beck, John E. Pimanda & Jason W. H. Wong

Promoters are DNA sequences that have an essential role in controlling gene expression. While recent whole cancer genome analyses have identified numerous hotspots of somatic point mutations within promoters, many have not yet been shown to perturb gene expression or drive cancer development1, 2, 3, 4. As such, positive selection alone may not adequately explain the frequency of promoter point mutations in cancer genomes. Here we show that increased mutation density at gene promoters can be linked to promoter activity and differential nucleotide excision repair (NER). By analysing 1,161 human cancer genomes across 14 cancer types, we find evidence for increased local density of somatic point mutations within the centres of DNase I-hypersensitive sites (DHSs) in gene promoters. Mutated DHSs were strongly associated with transcription initiation activity, in which active promoters but not enhancers of equal DNase I hypersensitivity were most mutated relative to their flanking regions. Notably, analysis of genome-wide maps of NER5 shows that NER is impaired within the DHS centre of active gene promoters, while XPC-deficient skin cancers do not show increased promoter mutation density, pinpointing differential NER as the underlying cause of these mutation hotspots. Consistent with this finding, we observe that melanomas with an ultraviolet-induced DNA damage mutation signature show greatest enrichment of promoter mutations, whereas cancers that are not highly dependent on NER, such as colon cancer, show no sign of such enrichment. Taken together, our analysis has uncovered the presence of a previously unknown mechanism linking transcription initiation and NER as a major contributor of somatic point mutation hotspots at active gene promoters in cancer genomes.

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