



2016年4月18日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,来自赫特福德大学的研究人员通过研究揭示了关键性致癌基因调节肿瘤细胞信号的特殊机制,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Cell上。


研究者Christopher J. Tape指出,癌基因突变会调节肿瘤细胞和附近基质细胞的信号,文章中我们发现了癌基因KRAS会通过基质细胞来调节肿瘤细胞的信号,通过将细胞特异性的蛋白质组标记技术同多元化的磷酸化蛋白质组学(PhosphoProteomics)技术进行研究,我们就分析了胰腺导管腺癌细胞中异型细胞KRAS的信号通路。


最后研究者Claus Jorgensen说道,本文研究结果表明,癌基因的信号通路或许可以被认为是一种异型细胞的信号传输过程,而且癌基因KRAS可以通过一种基质细胞的互换信号来调节肿瘤细胞的信号转导,这对于后期揭示癌症发病的机制及开发新型个体化疗法或将提供新的线索和思路。(基因宝jiyinbao.com)

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Oncogenic KRAS Regulates Tumor Cell Signaling via Stromal Reciprocation

Christopher J. Tape, Stephanie Ling, Maria Dimitriadi4, Kelly M. McMahon, Jonathan D. Worboys, Hui Sun Leong, Ida C. Norrie, Crispin J. Miller, George Poulogiannis, Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Claus Jørgensen

Oncogenic mutations regulate signaling within both tumor cells and adjacent stromal cells. Here, we show that oncogenic KRAS (KRASG12D) also regulates tumor cell signaling via stromal cells. By combining cell-specific proteome labeling with multivariate phosphoproteomics, we analyzed heterocellular KRASG12D signaling in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) cells. Tumor cell KRASG12D engages heterotypic fibroblasts, which subsequently instigate reciprocal signaling in the tumor cells. Reciprocal signaling employs additional kinases and doubles the number of regulated signaling nodes from cell-autonomous KRASG12D. Consequently, reciprocal KRASG12D produces a tumor cell phosphoproteome and total proteome that is distinct from cell-autonomous KRASG12D alone. Reciprocal signaling regulates tumor cell proliferation and apoptosis and increases mitochondrial capacity via an IGF1R/AXL-AKT axis. These results demonstrate that oncogene signaling should be viewed as a heterocellular process and that our existing cell-autonomous perspective underrepresents the extent of oncogene signaling in cancer.

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