
EMBO Mol Med:基因缺陷可能指向阿尔茨海默氏病解决方案

EMBO Mol Med:基因缺陷可能指向阿尔茨海默氏病解决方案

阿尔茨海默病是由蛋白质(淀粉体)在大脑中沉积导致的。在最近发表于《EMBO Molecular Medicine》期刊的研究中,卑尔根大学(UiB)和霍克兰大学医院(Haukeland University Hospital)研究人员表明,线粒体中的蛋白质PITRM1可能参与该病的发生发展。

“当细胞中PITRM1水平下降,会导致大脑中蛋白质沉积物的增加”UiB临床医学系线粒体医学和神经遗传学(MMN)研究小组研究员Janniche Torsvik说道。





EMBO Mol Med:基因缺陷可能指向阿尔茨海默氏病解决方案



MMN小组领导者Laurence A Bindoff教授希望进行更多关于PITRM1的研究,探索它在其他神经退行性疾病中的作用。


EMBO Mol Med:基因缺陷可能指向阿尔茨海默氏病解决方案


Defective PITRM1 mitochondrial peptidase is associated with Aβ amyloidotic neurodegeneration

Mitochondrial dysfunction and altered proteostasis are central features of neurodegenerative diseases. The pitrilysin metallopeptidase 1 (PITRM1) is a mitochondrial matrix enzyme, which digests oligopeptides, including the mitochondrial targeting sequences that are cleaved from proteins imported across the inner mitochondrial membrane and the mitochondrial fraction of amyloid beta (Aβ). We identified two siblings carrying a homozygous PITRM1 missense mutation (c.548G>A, p.Arg183Gln) associated with an autosomal recessive, slowly progressive syndrome characterised by mental retardation, spinocerebellar ataxia, cognitive decline and psychosis. The pathogenicity of the mutation was tested in vitro, in mutant fibroblasts and skeletal muscle, and in a yeast model. A Pitrm1+/?heterozygous mouse showed progressive ataxia associated with brain degenerative lesions, including accumulation of Aβ‐positive amyloid deposits. Our results show that PITRM1 is responsible for significant Aβ degradation and that impairment of its activity results in Aβ accumulation, thus providing a mechanistic demonstration of the mitochondrial involvement in amyloidotic neurodegeneration.

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