


2016年4月25日/生物谷BIOON/–在一项新的研究中,来自美国怀特海德研究所等机构的研究人员利用一种新方法确定了在全基因组关联研究(genome-wide association study, GWAS)中鉴定出的一种非编码突变如何能够增加散发性帕金森病(sporadic Parkinson’s disease)发病风险。这种方法可能也能够用于分析其他的散发性遗传病的GWAS结果。相关研究结果于2016年4月20日在线发表在Nature期刊上,论文标题为“Parkinson-associated risk variant in distal enhancer of α-synuclein modulates target gene expression”。

论文通信作者、麻省理工学院生物学教授Rudolf Jaenisch说,“这真正是我们首次基于GWAS研究中鉴定出的风险基因突变,在机制上和分子水平上理解一种突变如何能够提高患病风险。”


利用GWAS研究能够标记出作为一种给定疾病的风险因素的突变在基因组上发生的大概位置。然而,GWAS研究并不能揭示出潜在的致病性突变的具体位置,更不能表明一种突变是否导致一种疾病发生(如果真发生的话)。比如,在散发性帕金森病中,多项GWAS研究指出α-突触核蛋白基因(alpha-synuclein, SNCA)是病人基因组中风险最强的位点之一,但是GWAS研究很少含有关于这种基因在散发性帕金森病中如何受到异常调节的机制方面的信息。



论文第一作者、Jaenisch实验室高级研究员Frank Soldner说,“我们的方法解决了GWAS研究的一个重大缺点:利用GWAS研究产生的关联性,不能够区分基因组中靠得比较近的两种突变之间的影响。这种物理位置上的接近意味着它们将总是在遗传期间一起分离,这就是我们为何必须做的事情—对每种突变进行独立地修饰和分析,同时让基因组剩余部分完全保持不变。”



Jaenisch说,这种鉴定SNCA增强子单点突变的方法可能能够用来准确找到散发性帕金森病的其他致病基因,并且筛查对其他疾病(包括阿尔茨海默病、癌症、糖尿病和多发性硬化症)进行GWAS研究时发现的风险基因。(生物谷 Bioon.com)

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Parkinson-associated risk variant in distal enhancer of α-synuclein modulates target gene expression


Frank Soldner, Yonatan Stelzer, Chikdu S. Shivalila, Brian J. Abraham, Jeanne C. Latourelle, M. Inmaculada Barrasa, Johanna Goldmann, Richard H. Myers, Richard A. Young & Rudolf Jaenisch

Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified numerous genetic variants associated with complex diseases, but mechanistic insights are impeded by a lack of understanding of how specific risk variants functionally contribute to the underlying pathogenesis1. It has been proposed that cis-acting effects of non-coding risk variants on gene expression are a major factor for phenotypic variation of complex traits and disease susceptibility. Recent genome-scale epigenetic studies have highlighted the enrichment of GWAS-identified variants in regulatory DNA elements of disease-relevant cell types2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Furthermore, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-specific changes in transcription factor binding are correlated with heritable alterations in chromatin state and considered a major mediator of sequence-dependent regulation of gene expression7, 8, 9, 10. Here we describe a novel strategy to functionally dissect the cis-acting effect of genetic risk variants in regulatory elements on gene expression by combining genome-wide epigenetic information with clustered regularly-interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 genome editing in human pluripotent stem cells. By generating a genetically precisely controlled experimental system, we identify a common Parkinson’s disease associated risk variant in a non-coding distal enhancer element that regulates the expression of α-synuclein (SNCA), a key gene implicated in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease. Our data suggest that the transcriptional deregulation of SNCA is associated with sequence-dependent binding of the brain-specific transcription factors EMX2 and NKX6-1. This work establishes an experimental paradigm to functionally connect genetic variation with disease-relevant phenotypes.

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