
PLoS Genet:GWAS分析找到狗狗体内的恶性脑瘤风险基因

                                                            PLoS Genet:GWAS分析找到狗狗体内的恶性脑瘤风险基因        
2016年5月16日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –最近一项研究以犬为研究对象展开了对胶质瘤形成背后隐藏的遗传因素的研究,或为解释人类胶质瘤形成,找到治疗方法提供线索。该研究在25个犬种中发现了三个与胶质瘤形成有关的基因。相关研究结果发表在国际学术期刊Plos Genetics上。
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Utilizing the Dog Genome in the Search for Novel Candidate Genes Involved in Glioma Development-Genome Wide Association Mapping followed by Targeted Massive Parallel Sequencing Identifies a Strongly Associated Locus
Katarina Truvé  , Peter Dickinson, Anqi Xiong, Daniel York, Kartika Jayashankar, Gerli Pielberg, Michele Koltookian, Eva Murén, Hans-Henrik Fuxelius, Holger Weishaupt, Fredrik J. Swartling, G?ran Andersson, ?ke Hedhammar,  [ … ], Kerstin Lindblad-Toh
Gliomas are the most common form of malignant primary brain tumors in humans and second most common in dogs, occurring with similar frequencies in both species. Dogs are valuable spontaneous models of human complex diseases including cancers and may provide insight into disease susceptibility and oncogenesis. Several brachycephalic breeds such as Boxer, Bulldog and Boston Terrier have an elevated risk of developing glioma, but others, including Pug and Pekingese, are not at higher risk. To identify glioma-associated genetic susceptibility factors, an across-breed genome-wide association study (GWAS) was performed on 39 dog glioma cases and 141 controls from 25 dog breeds, identifying a genome-wide significant locus on canine chromosome (CFA) 26 (p = 2.8 x 10?8). Targeted re-sequencing of the 3.4 Mb candidate region was performed, followed by genotyping of the 56 SNVs that best fit the association pattern between the re-sequenced cases and controls. We identified three candidate genes that were highly associated with glioma susceptibility: CAMKK2, P2RX7 andDENR. CAMKK2 showed reduced expression in both canine and human brain tumors, and a non-synonymous variant in P2RX7, previously demonstrated to have a 50% decrease in receptor function, was also associated with disease. Thus, one or more of these genes appear to affect glioma susceptibility.
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