
Nat Genet:科学家发现可导致多指症等先天畸形的基因突变


Nat Genet:科学家发现可导致多指症等先天畸形的基因突变

2016年5月16日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –科学家最近发现了一些基因突变可能是纤毛类疾病发生(ciliopathies)的关键元凶,这种疾病可导致先天性缺陷,据估计每1000个新生儿中就有1人受到该类疾病影响。
在本周发表在国际学术期刊Nature Genetics上的文章中,美国德克萨斯大学的研究人员揭示了这些基因突变如何阻碍特定蛋白发挥作用,影响细胞间的信息交流。
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Nat Genet:科学家发现可导致多指症等先天畸形的基因突变
The ciliopathy-associated CPLANE proteins direct basal body recruitment of intraflagellar transport machinery
Cilia use microtubule-based intraflagellar transport (IFT) to organize intercellular signaling. Ciliopathies are a spectrum of human diseases resulting from defects in cilia structure or function. The mechanisms regulating the assembly of ciliary multiprotein complexes and the transport of these complexes to the base of cilia remain largely unknown. Combining proteomics, in vivo imaging and genetic analysis of proteins linked to planar cell polarity (Inturned, Fuzzy and Wdpcp), we identified and characterized a new genetic module, which we term CPLANE (ciliogenesis and planar polarity effector), and an extensive associated protein network. CPLANE proteins physically and functionally interact with the poorly understood ciliopathy-associated protein Jbts17 at basal bodies, where they act to recruit a specific subset of IFT-A proteins. In the absence of CPLANE, defective IFT-A particles enter the axoneme and IFT-B trafficking is severely perturbed. Accordingly, mutation of CPLANE genes elicits specific ciliopathy phenotypes in mouse models and is associated with ciliopathies in human patients.

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