
Nat Med:癌症专家倡议共享癌症基因组信息 共建大数据网络

               Nat Med:癌症专家倡议共享癌症基因组信息 共建大数据网络

2016年5月21日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –据贝尔法斯特女王大学的一位癌症研究专家介绍,全世界癌症患者的基因信息共享或可成为癌症预防和治疗的关键所在。

相关内容发表在国际学术期刊Nature Medicine上,文章通讯作者是来自女王大学癌症和细胞生物学中心的Mark Lawler教授。这篇文章着重强调了大数据在癌细胞研究和开发有效个体化治疗策略方面的潜在作用。Lawler教授还是GA4GH组织的联合主席,该组织成立于2013年,主要进行病人临床和基因数据的可靠,自愿和安全共享,为癌症研究建立一个共同框架。





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Nat Med:癌症专家倡议共享癌症基因组信息 共建大数据网络


Facilitating a culture of responsible and effective sharing of cancer genome data

Lillian L Siu, Mark Lawler, David Haussler, Bartha Maria Knoppers, Jeremy Lewin, Daniel J Vis, Rachel G Liao, Fabrice Andre, Ian Banks, J Carl Barrett, Carlos Caldas, Anamaria Aranha Camargo, Rebecca C Fitzgerald, Mao Mao, John E Mattison, William Pao, William R Sellers, Patrick Sullivan, Bin Tean Teh, Robyn L Ward, Jean Claude ZenKlusen, Charles L Sawyers & Emile E Voest

Rapid and affordable tumor molecular profiling has led to an explosion of clinical and genomic data poised to enhance the diagnosis, prognostication and treatment of cancer. A critical point has now been reached at which the analysis and storage of annotated clinical and genomic information in unconnected silos will stall the advancement of precision cancer care. Information systems must be harmonized to overcome the multiple technical and logistical barriers to data sharing. Against this backdrop, the Global Alliance for Genomic Health (GA4GH) was established in 2013 to create a common framework that enables responsible, voluntary and secure sharing of clinical and genomic data. This Perspective from the GA4GH Clinical Working Group Cancer Task Team highlights the data-aggregation challenges faced by the field, suggests potential collaborative solutions and describes how GA4GH can catalyze a harmonized data-sharing culture.

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