



2016年6月4日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –磷酸酶-张力蛋白(Pten)是一种肿瘤抑制子,其在20%至25%的癌症患者中都处于缺失状态,近日来自梅奥诊所的研究人员通过研究发现,当细胞在分裂成为两个子代细胞的过程中,Pten可以通过维持染色体数目的完整来抵御机体肿瘤的形成,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Nature Cell Biology上。



研究者Jan van Deursen博士指出,我们发现,Pten蛋白可以定位到有丝分裂纺锤体上来招募马达蛋白EG5,随后分离纺锤体来形成完全对称的两极纺锤体,进而完成染色体的准确分离过程。Pten蛋白招募马达蛋白EG5的过程涉及一种名为Dlg1的蛋白的作用,Dlg1是一种EG5结合蛋白,其可以将Pten蛋白的最后三个氨基酸运输到纺锤体一极,更为重要的是,缺失这些氨基酸的突变小鼠会出现异常的染色体数目,并且引发肿瘤高频率出现的情况。


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Pten regulates spindle pole movement through Dlg1-mediated recruitment of Eg5 to centrosomes

Janine H. van Ree, Hyun-Ja Nam, Karthik B. Jeganathan, Arun Kanakkanthara & Jan M. van Deursen

Phosphatase and tensin homologue (Pten) suppresses neoplastic growth by negatively regulating PI(3)K signalling through its phosphatase activity1. To gain insight into the actions of non-catalytic Pten domains in normal physiological processes and tumorigenesis2, 3, we engineered mice lacking the PDZ-binding domain (PDZ-BD). Here, we show that the PDZ-BD regulates centrosome movement and that its heterozygous or homozygous deletion promotes aneuploidy and tumour formation. We found that Pten is recruited to pre-mitotic centrosomes in a Plk1-dependent fashion to create a docking site for protein complexes containing the PDZ-domain-containing protein Dlg1 (also known as Sap97) and Eg5 (also known as Kif11), a kinesin essential for centrosome movement and bipolar spindle formation4. Docking of Dlg1–Eg5 complexes to Pten depended on Eg5 phosphorylation by the Nek9–Nek6 mitotic kinase cascade and Cdk1. PDZ-BD deletion or Dlg1 ablation impaired loading of Eg5 onto centrosomes and spindle pole motility, yielding asymmetrical spindles that are prone to chromosome missegregation. Collectively, these data demonstrate that Pten, through the Dlg1-binding ability of its PDZ-BD, accumulates phosphorylated Eg5 at duplicated centrosomes to establish symmetrical bipolar spindles that properly segregate chromosomes, and suggest that this function contributes to tumour suppression..

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