


2016年6月30日讯/生物谷BIOON/近日,刊登于国际杂志Nature Communications上的一项研究论文中,来自南安普顿大学和伯恩茅斯皇家医院的研究人员通过研究鉴别出了所有慢性淋巴细胞白血病(CLL)患者很有可能共享的一种特殊基因网络,该研究或为后期开发新型靶向疗法改善患者的生活质量及生存期提供新的思路。




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Chromatin accessibility maps of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia identify subtype-specific epigenome signatures and transcription regulatory networks

André F. Rendeiro, Christian Schmidl, Jonathan C. Strefford, Renata Walewska, Zadie Davis, Matthias Farlik, David Oscier & Christoph Bock

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is characterized by substantial clinical heterogeneity, despite relatively few genetic alterations. To provide a basis for studying epigenome deregulation in CLL, here we present genome-wide chromatin accessibility maps for 88 CLL samples from 55 patients measured by the ATAC-seq assay. We also performed ChIPmentation and RNA-seq profiling for ten representative samples. Based on the resulting data set, we devised and applied a bioinformatic method that links chromatin profiles to clinical annotations. Our analysis identified sample-specific variation on top of a shared core of CLL regulatory regions. IGHV mutation status—which distinguishes the two major subtypes of CLL—was accurately predicted by the chromatin profiles and gene regulatory networks inferred for IGHV-mutated versus IGHV-unmutated samples identified characteristic differences between these two disease subtypes. In summary, we discovered widespread heterogeneity in the chromatin landscape of CLL, established a community resource for studying epigenome deregulation in leukaemia and demonstrated the feasibility of large-scale chromatin accessibility mapping in cancer cohorts and clinical research.

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