
BMC Biol:特殊基因或对人类早期发育非常关键

BMC Biol:特殊基因或对人类早期发育非常关键


2016年6月30日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –来自牛津大学的研究者近日发现了一系列基因在早期人类发育中扮演着重要角色,这一研究发现为解开数十年的谜题提供了新的思路,该研究刊登于BMC Biology杂志上。

进化生物学家Peter Holland和他的学生Anne Booth鉴别并且命名了这些基因,包括Argfx,Leutx,Dprx和Tprx基因,相关数据发表于2002年的人类基因组计划上;这些基因属于同源异型框,而且我们都知道有其它的同源异型框基因在机体发育期间可以指导组织和器官的形成,然而当研究者尽力去寻找新基因时,他们遇到了一个问题。


研究成员Ignacio Maeso和Thomas Dunwell博士仔细分析了相关数据,结果发现,当细胞还是由8-16个细胞组成的细胞球时,这些基因会在非常短的时间内被激活表达;在细胞进行决策之前这个阶段就会开始标记以确定是否形成部分胚胎还是直接生长成为胚胎,随后这些基因就可以被关闭。Ignacio Maeso说道,在我们整个一生中这些基因仅会表达几个小时。

随后研究者在培养的正常成体细胞中让每一个基因开启表达,研究者发现这些基因会开启或关闭其它许多基因,其中就包括帮助胚胎进行指定细胞决策的一些基因;Peter Holland补充道,如果受精是开启人类发育的点火装置的话,那么这些基因就控制第一档位的改变;研究者发现,这些基因仅在胎盘哺乳动物中被发现,比如人类等。

最后研究者表示,这些基因位于19号染色体上,该染色体被认为是我们机体基因组中不稳定的部分, 试想其就是DNA的一个大熔炉,不断有DNA被增加又被移除,而在不经意间就会产生全新的基因;在胎盘哺乳动物出现之时,即7000万年前,这些基因就出现了,而且其抓住了进化的大潮流开始完成新的任务,并且控制早期机体发育中的状况。(基因宝jiyinbao.com)

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Evolutionary origin and functional divergence of totipotent cell homeobox genes in eutherian mammals

Ignacio Maeso†1, 2, Thomas L. Dunwell†1, Chris D. R. Wyatt3, 4, Ferdinand Marlétaz1, Borbála Vető1, 5, Juan A. Bernal6, Shan Quah1, Manuel Irimia3, 4 and Peter W. H.


Background A central goal of evolutionary biology is to link genomic change to phenotypic evolution. The origin of new transcription factors is a special case of genomic evolution since it brings opportunities for novel regulatory interactions and potentially the emergence of new biological properties. Results We demonstrate that a group of four homeobox gene families (Argfx, Leutx, Dprx, Tprx), plus a gene newly described here (Pargfx), arose by tandem gene duplication from the retinal-expressed Crx gene, followed by asymmetric sequence evolution. We show these genes arose as part of repeated gene gain and loss events on a dynamic chromosomal region in the stem lineage of placental mammals, on the forerunner of human chromosome 19. The human orthologues of these genes are expressed specifically in early embryo totipotent cells, peaking from 8-cell to morula, prior to cell fate restrictions; cow orthologues have similar expression. To examine biological roles, we used ectopic gene expression in cultured human cells followed by high-throughput RNA-seq and uncovered extensive transcriptional remodelling driven by three of the genes. Comparison to transcriptional profiles of early human embryos suggest roles in activating and repressing a set of developmentally-important genes that spike at 8-cell to morula, rather than a general role in genome activation. Conclusions We conclude that a dynamic chromosome region spawned a set of evolutionarily new homeobox genes, the ETCHbox genes, specifically in eutherian mammals. After these genes diverged from the parental Crx gene, we argue they were recruited for roles in the preimplantation embryo including activation of genes at the 8-cell stage and repression after morula. We propose these new homeobox gene roles permitted fine-tuning of cell fate decisions necessary for specification and function of embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues utilised in mammalian development and pregnancy.


BMC Biol:特殊基因或对人类早期发育非常关键


会议时间:2016.08.19-2016.08.20     会议地点:上海

会议详情: http://www.bioon.com/z/2016repro-med/

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