在一项新的研究中,来自日本北海道大学遗传医学研究所的Toru Kondo团队利用CRISPR/Cas9系统开发出一种强大的方法做到这一点。相关研究结果发表在2016年5月23日那期Angewandte Chemie期刊上,论文标题为“A Powerful CRISPR/Cas9-Based Method for Targeted Transcriptional Activation”。
在这项新的研究中,研究人员想要高效地激活沉默基因(即因启动子发生甲基化被关闭的基因,也就是不发生转录的基因)。他们将一种被称作微同源末端连接(microhomology-mediated end-joining, MMEJ)的DNA修复机制与CRISPR/Cas9组合使用。他们利用CRISPR/Cas9切掉发生甲基化的启动子,然后利用MMEJ插入一个未发生甲基化的启动子,也就是利用基因的开启开关替换它的关闭开关。
研究人员也发现他们的基因编辑工具可能能够被用来激活其他的发生沉默的启动子。此外,他们发现这一系统并不会导致细胞中其他的非靶向基因发生不想要的突变。这种工具有巨大的潜力被用来操作基因表达,构建基因电路,或者改变细胞命运。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
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A Powerful CRISPR/Cas9-Based Method for Targeted Transcriptional Activation
M. Sc. Shota Katayama,Dr. Tetsuo Moriguchi,Dr. Naoki Ohtsu,Prof. Toru Kondo
Targeted transcriptional activation of endogenous genes is important for understanding physiological transcriptional networks, synthesizing genetic circuits, and inducing cellular phenotype changes. The CRISPR/Cas9 system has great potential to achieve this purpose, however, it has not yet been successfully used to efficiently activate endogenous genes and induce changes in cellular phenotype. A powerful method for transcriptional activation by using CRISPR/Cas9 was developed. Replacement of a methylated promoter with an unmethylated one by CRISPR/Cas9 was sufficient to activate the expression of the neural cell gene OLIG2 and the embryonic stem cell gene NANOG in HEK293T cells. Moreover, CRISPR/Cas9-based OLIG2 activation induced the embryonic carcinoma cell line NTERA-2 to express the neuronal marker βIII-tubulin.