



该研究发表在International Journal of Cancer上,该文研究了HOX基因在卵巢癌耐药性中的作用以及一种靶向HOX的HXR9药物是否可以帮助防止耐药性的发展。


Richard Morgan教授带领研究人员分析了99名患有上皮性卵巢癌的组织样本(EOC),并将这些与健康的卵巢和输卵管组织样本进行比较。

在正常卵巢组织中几乎没有HOX基因表达,而39 个HOX基因中有36个被发现在组织样本中,是一种上皮性卵巢癌亚型,被称为“优质浆液性”,它在上皮性卵巢癌中占了大约80%。



Zoe Kelly博士说:“我们已经发现了在抗化疗过程中起促进作用的一组基因,这在卵巢癌的治疗中是一个主要问题。我们也有广泛的细胞数据显示使用HXR9可以克服药物耐药性,使细胞更容易受到化疗治疗。


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The prognostic significance of specific HOX gene expression patterns in ovarian cancer

Zoe Kelly1,*, Carla Moller-Levet2, Sophie McGrath1, Simon Butler-Manuel3, Thumuluru Kavitha Madhuri3, Andrzej M. Kierzek2, Hardev Pandha1, Richard Morgan4 andAgnieszka Michael1

HOX genes are vital for all aspects of mammalian growth and differentiation, and their dysregulated expression is related to ovarian carcinogenesis. The aim of the current study was to establish the prognostic value of HOX dysregulation as well as its role in platinum resistance. The potential to target HOX proteins through the HOX/PBX interaction was also explored in the context of platinum resistance. HOX gene expression was determined in ovarian cancer cell lines and primary EOCs by QPCR, and compared to expression in normal ovarian epithelium and fallopian tube tissue samples. Statistical analysis included one-way ANOVA and t-tests, using statistical software R and GraphPad. The analysis identified 36 of the 39 HOX genes as being overexpressed in high grade serous EOC compared to normal tissue. We detected a molecular HOX gene-signature that predicted poor outcome. Overexpression of HOXB4 and HOXB9 was identified in high grade serous cell lines after platinum resistance developed. Targeting the HOX/PBX dimer with the HXR9 peptide enhanced the cytotoxicity of cisplatin in platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. In conclusion, this study has shown the HOX genes are highly dysregulated in ovarian cancer with high expression of HOXA13, B6, C13, D1 and D13 being predictive of poor clinical outcome. Targeting the HOX/PBX dimer in platinum–resistant cancer represents a potentially new therapeutic option that should be further developed and tested in clinical trials.

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