
Science 子刊:开发出可有效治疗肝脏代谢疾病的新型基因疗法

Science 子刊:开发出可有效治疗肝脏代谢疾病的新型基因疗法


2016年7月31日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –由于捐献器官来源严重短缺,如今梅奥诊所的科学家开了一种新型疗法来治疗肝脏疾病的患者,相关研究发表在了国际杂志Science Translational Medicine上,文章中研究者在不采用器官移植的前提下,利用了一种新型方法来纠正患者机体的代谢障碍。

研究人员检测了特殊基因疗法对患有1型遗传性酪氨酸血症(hereditary tyrosinemia type 1, HT-1)的猪的治疗效果,1型遗传性酪氨酸血症是一种由于特殊酶类缺失引发的机体代谢障碍,该病的常见疗法就是利用特殊用药方案来治疗,但对于很多患者都没有效果,而且长期用药的安全性也是未知的。

研究者Raymond Hickey博士说道,肝脏移植是彻底治疗1型遗传性酪氨酸血症的唯一疗法,1型遗传性酪氨酸血症往往会伴随进行性的肝脏疾病;因此利用新方法来治疗HT1和其它代谢疾病获将可以帮助患者避免进行肝脏移植,并且可以拯救许多患者的生命。



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Curative ex vivo liver-directed gene therapy in a pig model of hereditary tyrosinemia type 1

Raymond D. Hickey1,2,*, Shennen A. Mao1, Jaime Glorioso1, Faysal Elgilani1, Bruce Amiot3, Harvey Chen1, Piero Rinaldo4, Ronald Marler5, Huailei Jiang6, Timothy R. DeGrado6, Lukkana Suksanpaisan6,7, Michael K. O’Connor6, Brittany L. Freeman8, Samar H. Ibrahim8, Kah Whye Peng2, Cary O. Harding9, Chak-Sum Ho10, Markus Grompe11, Yasuhiro Ikeda2, Joseph B. Lillegard1,12, Stephen J. Russell2 and Scott L. Nyberg1

The only cure for hereditary tyrosinemia type 1 (HT1)—an inherited metabolic disease—is a liver transplant. However, owing to the shortage of liver donors, Hickey et al. turned to gene therapy as a way to cure HT1. The authors took liver cells from pigs that have HT (through a defect in the gene Fah), transduced them with the correct Fah, and then put the cells back into the same animals. The ex vivo gene therapy approach prevented liver failure and fibrosis and also restored metabolic function, which is deteriorated in HT1 disease. Having demonstrated in large animals the use of materials that are safe for use in people, the technology is now poised to move into patients, to regenerate their own livers and spare them the long wait times on the liver transplant list.

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