


2016年8月3日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –最近英国华威大学等研究机构的研究人员基于云技术开发了一个目前全世界最大的微生物生物信息学平台。

这个叫做CLIMB的项目(Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics)是属于英国医学微生物学团体和相关国际合作机构的生物信息学资源。该平台将通过提供免费的云计算,存储和分析工具支持科学研究。

华威大学的Mark Pallen教授负责领导该项目,他这样说道:“CLIMB为学术领域和临床领域的微生物学家和科研人员提供了软件和数据分享的一站式服务。使用云技术就意味着全国的研究团队不再需要自行建立和维护自己的服务器,使用者可以根据需要获取别人分享的计算资源。”


来自伯明翰大学的Nick Loman也参与了CLIMB研究,他这样说道:“我们已经使用CLIMB分析和分享了西非埃博拉病毒爆发的数据。这代表了科学协作的一个巨大变化,特别是在面对公共健康紧急事件的时候。”


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doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/064451 

CLIMB (the Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics): an online resource for the medical microbiology community

Thomas Richard Connor, Nicholas James Loman, Simon Thompson, Andy Smith, Joel Southgate, Radoslaw Poplawski, Matthew J Bull, Emily Richardson, Matthew Ismail, Simon Elwood-Thompson, Christine Kitchen, Martyn Guest, Marius Bakke, Sam K Sheppard, Mark J Pallen

The increasing availability and decreasing cost of high-throughput sequencing has transformed academic medical microbiology, delivering an explosion in available genomes while also driving advances in bioinformatics. However, many microbiologists are unable to exploit the resulting large genomics datasets because they do not have access to relevant computational resources and to an appropriate bioinformatics infrastructure. Here, we present the Cloud Infrastructure for Microbial Bioinformatics (CLIMB) facility, a shared computing infrastructure that has been designed from the ground up to provide an environment where microbiologists can share and reuse methods and data.

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