



2016年8月4日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –可以结合DNA或RNA的蛋白质通常被分为不同类别,但近日来自瑞典和法国的研究人员通过研究揭示了p53蛋白结合DNA和RNA的机制,以及其如何在转录和蛋白质合成水平下控制基因表达的分子机制,相关研究刊登于国际杂志Oncogene上。



最后研究者Robin Fahraeus表示,我们发现,并不能够结合DNA的p53突变蛋白或许对于mRNA的翻译具有一定效应,而且目前我们知道突变的p53会促进肿瘤的生长,但我们并不清楚隐藏在其活性背后的分子机制,但RNA的结合或许就为我们提供了一定的研究思路。后期研究人员还将通过更为深入的研究来对上述结果进行延伸,他们希望本文研究结果对于阐明癌症发生的机制以及开发特殊抗癌疗法或能够提供一定线索。(基因宝jiyinbao.com)

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p53 binds the mdmx mRNA and controls its translation

A-S Tournillon, I López, L Malbert-Colas, S Findakly, N Naski, V Olivares-Illana, K Karakostis, B Vojtesek, K Nylander and R Fåhraeus

MDMX and MDM2 are two nonredundant essential regulators of p53 tumor suppressor activity. MDM2 controls p53 expression levels, whereas MDMX is predominantly a negative regulator of p53 trans-activity. The feedback loops between MDM2 and p53 are well studied and involve both negative and positive regulation on transcriptional, translational and post-translational levels but little is known on the regulatory pathways between p53 and MDMX. Here we show that overexpression of p53 suppresses mdmx mRNA translation in vitro and in cell-based assays. The core domain of p53 binds the 5′ untranslated region (UTR) of the mdmx mRNA in a zinc-dependent manner that together with a trans-suppression domain located in p53 N-terminus controls MDMX synthesis. This interaction can be visualized in the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartment. Fusion of the mdmx 5′UTR to the ovalbumin open reading frame leads to suppression of ovalbumin synthesis. Interestingly, the transcription inactive p53 mutant R273H has a different RNA-binding profile compared with the wild-type p53 and differentiates the synthesis of MDMX isoforms. This study describes p53 as a trans-suppressor of the mdmx mRNA and adds a further level to the intricate feedback system that exist between p53 and its key regulatory factors and emphasizes the important role of mRNA translation control in regulating protein expression in the p53 pathway.

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