
Nat Methods:开发出一种可加速对人类基因组分析的新技术

Nat Methods:开发出一种可加速对人类基因组分析的新技术


2016年8月10日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –刊登在国际杂志Nature Methods上的一项研究报告中,来自澳大利亚的研究者通过研究开发了一种新型“模具”,即可以反映人类基因组的合成性镜像DNA序列,这种用于绘制并且分析基因组复杂性的直观新技术或将被学术研究者免费使用。人类基因组是一个包含有超过60亿个碱基且非常复杂的序列,尽管如今我们可以廉价且快速地对一个人的基因组进行测序,但对人类基因组随后的分析却是一个非常困难的问题。

为了改善对人类基因组分析的质量,本文的研究者基于合成性的人类基因组序列开发出了一种名为Sequins的新技术。研究者Tim Mercer博士指出,人类基因组测序可以改变生物医药研究及人们的医疗保健,随着基因组测序越来越多地被用于诊断疾病,对于研究者而言理解基因组数据的准确性和应用就显得尤为重要。文章中研究者Mercer及其同事在测序过程中,就将小型延伸的合成性DNA加入到人类的DNA样本中,随后这些特殊的合成性DNA就可以作为内部标准物来帮助研究人员分析基因组测序期间所产生的大量数据文件。



研究者John Mattick教授说道,Sequins技术可以将DNA测序引入到临床标准中,同时其也是一个很好的平台帮助进行基因组研究和医药领域的相关研究;Sequins的潜在应用还很多,由于从细菌到人类所有有机体的基因组都具有旋向性,因此Sequins就可以有针对性地对任一有机体来设计,或者应用于任何新一代测序应用中。(基因宝jiyinbao.com)

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Representing genetic variation with synthetic DNA standards

Ira W Deveson, Wendy Y Chen, Ted Wong, Simon A Hardwick, Stacey B Andersen, Lars K Nielsen, John S Mattick & Tim R Mercer

The identification of genetic variation with next-generation sequencing is confounded by the complexity of the human genome sequence and by biases that arise during library preparation, sequencing and analysis. We have developed a set of synthetic DNA standards, termed ‘sequins’, that emulate human genetic features and constitute qualitative and quantitative spike-in controls for genome sequencing. Sequencing reads derived from sequins align exclusively to an artificial in silico reference chromosome, rather than the human reference genome, which allows them them to be partitioned for parallel analysis. Here we use this approach to represent common and clinically relevant genetic variation, ranging from single nucleotide variants to large structural rearrangements and copy-number variation. We validate the design and performance of sequin standards by comparison to examples in the NA12878 reference genome, and we demonstrate their utility during the detection and quantification of variants. We provide sequins as a standardized, quantitative resource against which human genetic variation can be measured and diagnostic performance assessed.

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