
EMBO Rep:特殊基因缺陷或帮助开发前列腺癌潜在靶向疗法

EMBO Rep:特殊基因缺陷或帮助开发前列腺癌潜在靶向疗法


2016年9月7日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,刊登在国际杂志EMBO Reports上的一项研究报告中,来自哥廷根大学医学中心的科学家通过研究发现,前列腺肿瘤中频繁突变的基因CHD1的缺失或许可以使得前列腺癌细胞对多种药物变得敏感,其中包括PARP药物在内,这就表明,CHD1或许就是靶向前列腺癌疗法的潜在生物标志物。

文章中,研究人员利用人类前列腺癌细胞系进行研究并且降低CHD1的DNA结合蛋白的水平,CHD1基因在大约15%-27%的前列腺肿瘤中都处于突变状态,而且诸如这样的突变同前列腺癌患者的染色体不稳定性及较差的预后直接相关;研究者Steven Johnsen指出,剔除CHD1的细胞往往会出现同源性重组(HR)过程的缺失,而同源性重组是修复DNA破碎断裂的关键分子机制,相关研究数据表明,CHD1的正常功能就是使得破碎位点周围的DNA松弛,目的是为了促进同源性重组修复蛋白的进入,更重要的是,像癌细胞及同源性重组过程出现的其它突变一样,剔除CHD1的前列腺癌细胞被证明对于引发DNA断裂的化疗药物超级敏感,比如丝裂霉素C、伊立替康和PARP抑制剂等。



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Loss of CHD1 causes DNA repair defects and enhances prostate cancer therapeutic responsiveness

Vijayalakshmi Kari, Wael Yassin Mansour, Sanjay Kumar Raul, Simon J Baumgart, Andreas Mund, Marian Grade, Hüseyin Sirma, Ronald Simon, Hans Will, Matthias Dobbelstein, Ekkehard Dikomey, View ORCID ProfileSteven A Johnsen

The CHD1 gene, encoding the chromo‐domain helicase DNA‐binding protein‐1, is one of the most frequently deleted genes in prostate cancer. Here, we examined the role of CHD1 in DNA double‐strand break (DSB) repair in prostate cancer cells. We show that CHD1 is required for the recruitment of CtIP to chromatin and subsequent end resection during DNA DSB repair. Our data support a role for CHD1 in opening the chromatin around the DSB to facilitate the recruitment of homologous recombination (HR) proteins. Consequently, depletion of CHD1 specifically affects HR‐mediated DNA repair but not non‐homologous end joining. Together, we provide evidence for a previously unknown role of CHD1 in DNA DSB repair via HR and show that CHD1 depletion sensitizes cells to PARP inhibitors, which has potential therapeutic relevance. Our findings suggest that CHD1 deletion, like BRCA1/2 mutation in ovarian cancer, may serve as a marker for prostate cancer patient stratification and the utilization of targeted therapies such as PARP inhibitors, which specifically target tumors with HR defects.

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