


2016年9月7日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –根据美国心脏病协会的统计,有大约两百七十万美国人存在心房颤动的情况,心房颤动是全世界最常见的心律失常,当心脏的正常节律出现紊乱就会发生心房颤动,导致心跳频率很快且不规则。血液如果不能正常地从心脏喷射出去,就有可能形成血栓,增加中风风险。

最近来自美国芝加哥大学的研究人员发现一个特殊信号途径中的基因存在缺陷就会导致心房颤动的发生。相关研究结果发表在国际学术期刊Science Translational Medicine上。






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DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaf4891 

Pitx2 modulates a Tbx5-dependent gene regulatory network to maintain atrial rhythm

Rangarajan D. Nadadur1, Michael T. Broman2, Bastiaan Boukens3,4, Stefan R. Mazurek2, Xinan Yang1, Malou van den Boogaard4, Jenna Bekeny1, Margaret Gadek1, Tarsha Ward5, Min Zhang6,7,8,9,10, Yun Qiao3, James F. Martin6,7,8,9,10, Christine E. Seidman5, Jon Seidman5, Vincent Christoffels4, Igor R. Efimov3, Elizabeth M. McNally11, Christopher R. Weber1 and Ivan P. Moskowitz1,*

Cardiac rhythm is extremely robust, generating 2 billion contraction cycles during the average human life span. Transcriptional control of cardiac rhythm is poorly understood. We found that removal of the transcription factor gene Tbx5 from the adult mouse caused primary spontaneous and sustained atrial fibrillation (AF). Atrial cardiomyocytes from theTbx5-mutant mice exhibited action potential abnormalities, including spontaneous depolarizations, which were rescued by chelating free calcium. We identified a multitiered transcriptional network that linked seven previously defined AF risk loci: TBX5 directly activated PITX2, and TBX5 and PITX2 antagonistically regulated membrane effector genesScn5a, Gja1, Ryr2, Dsp, and Atp2a2. In addition, reduced Tbx5 dose by adult-specific haploinsufficiency caused decreased target gene expression, myocardial automaticity, and AF inducibility, which were all rescued by Pitx2 haploinsufficiency in mice. These results defined a transcriptional architecture for atrial rhythm control organized as an incoherent feed-forward loop, driven by TBX5 and modulated by PITX2. TBX5/PITX2 interplay provides tight control of atrial rhythm effector gene expression, and perturbation of the co-regulated network caused AF susceptibility. This work provides a model for the molecular mechanisms underpinning the genetic implication of multiple AF genome-wide association studies loci and will contribute to future efforts to stratify patients for AF risk by genotype.

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