融合基因(Fusion gene)是指两个基因的全部或一部分序列相互融合为一个新的基因的过程,其有可能是染色体易位、中间缺失或染色体倒置所致的结果,通常具有致瘤性。1960 年,宾夕法尼亚大学教授 Peter Nowel和Fox Chase癌症中心的 David Hungerford 首次发现此类染色体变异。1973 年,芝加哥大学的 Janet Rowley 确认了费城染色体的形成机制来自于染色体易位,并在白血病中发现了第一个融合基因BCR-ABL。随后,在诸多实体瘤如尤文肉瘤、滑膜肉瘤、前列腺癌、肺癌、乳腺癌、卵巢癌等中相继发现了融合基因的存在。目前,越来越多的融合基因在不同肿瘤中被报道。
融合基因领域最成功的例子就是开发了针对融合基因BCR-ABL激酶抑制剂STI-571(伊马替尼,格列卫)。格列卫一直是临床上治疗慢性粒细胞白血病的经典药物;另外一个代表就是前列腺癌SLC45A3-ELK4 融合基因,目前针对该靶点的药物在临床试验中;再有一个代表就是PAX3-FOXO1融合基因一直是横纹肌肉瘤的诊断标准。但因为融合基因的研究有很多技术上的瓶颈,一直很少有突破。
李辉实验室在融合基因领域分子机理有两大理论上的突破。率先报道融合基因的反式剪接在正常发育中出现。该评论第一作者是博士生贾月萌和博士后谢仲秋。总结了实验室近几年在RNA领域取得的两大突破:一是RNA反式剪辑”RNA trans-splicing”,发现JAZF1-JJAZ1融合基因在子宫内膜细胞和PAX3-FOXO1在胚胎发育和干细胞肌肉分化过程中出现。而且发现这两个融合基因在肿瘤中是DNA水平融合(DNA translocation), 在正常细胞中是RNA水平上融合(RNA trans-splicing)。两个单独的RNA可以拼接在一起并产生一融合RNA,翻译成融合蛋白在正常生理发育过程中行使功能。成果发表在顶尖刊物Science, 2008 by Li H(highlighted in Nature Review Genetics and Cell, chosen by NIH official to present to the White House as one of the three major findings funded by NIH that year)和顶尖刊物Cancer Discovery, 2013 by Yuan H; 二是在肿瘤里两个相邻的基因在相同的方向转录,相邻基因的顺式剪接”Splicing of Adjacent Genes (cis-SAGe)” 发表在Cancer Discovery 封面文章 2012 by Zhang Y和PLoS Genet, 2015 by Qin F
Intergenically Spliced Chimeric RNAs in Cancer
Gene fusions and their encoded products (fusion RNAs and proteins) are viewed as one of the hallmarks of cancer. Traditionally, they were thought to be generated solely by chromosomal rearrangements. However, recent discoveries of trans-splicing and cis-splicing events between neighboring genes suggest that there are other mechanisms to generate chimeric fusion RNAs without corresponding changes in DNA. In addition, chimeric RNAs have been detected in normal physiology, complicating the use of fusions in cancer detection and therapy. By contrast, ‘intergenically spliced’ fusion RNAs represent a new repertoire of biomarkers and therapeutic targets. We review here current knowledge on chimeric RNAs and implications for cancer detection and treatment, and discuss outstanding questions for the advancement of the field.