
Genes & Devel:科学家鉴别出可抑制致死性脑瘤癌基因表达的小RNA分子

Genes & Devel:科学家鉴别出可抑制致死性脑瘤癌基因表达的小RNA分子

2015年4月7日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,刊登在国际杂志Genes & Development上的一篇研究论文中,来自美国西北大学的研究人员通过研究发现,一种名为miR-182的小RNA分子可以抑制多形性胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)小鼠机体中的促癌基因的表达,而GBM是一类致死性难以治愈的脑瘤。

目前标准疗法药物主要是通过损伤DNA来阻断癌细胞再生,而新型方法则会阻断产生癌细胞的来源,即过表达特定蛋白的基因;Alexander Stegh教授说道,我们发现名为miR-182的RNA分子可以作为胶质母细胞瘤的抑制子来减少多种促癌基因的表达;而在这项研究中研究者利用一种名为球形核酸(SNAs)的纳米结构来安全地将miR-182分子跨过血脑屏障运输抵达肿瘤细胞,在肿瘤细胞中其就可以同时靶向作用多种癌基因的表达从而增加癌细胞的死亡并且减少癌细胞的生长,SNAs包括多种DNA和RNA链,其紧密折叠后形成了纳米结构的中心区域。





miR-182 integrates apoptosis, growth, and differentiation programs in glioblastoma

Fotini M. Kouri1,2, Lisa A. Hurley1,2, Weston L. Daniel3, Emily S. Day4,5, Youjia Hua6,7, Liangliang Hao4,5, Chian-Yu Peng1,2, Timothy J. Merkel4,5, Markus A. Queisser8, Carissa Ritner1,2, Hailei Zhang9,10,11,12,13, C. David James14, Jacob I. Sznajder8, Lynda Chin9,10,11,12,13, David A. Giljohann3, John A. Kessler1,2, Marcus E. Peter6,7, Chad A. Mirkin4,5 and Alexander H. Stegh1,2,4,5

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a lethal, therapy-resistant brain cancer consisting of numerous tumor cell subpopulations, including stem-like glioma-initiating cells (GICs), which contribute to tumor recurrence following initial response to therapy. Here, we identified miR-182 as a regulator of apoptosis, growth, and differentiation programs whose expression level is correlated with GBM patient survival. Repression of Bcl2-like12 (Bcl2L12), c-Met, and hypoxia-inducible factor 2α (HIF2A) is of central importance to miR-182 anti-tumor activity, as it results in enhanced therapy susceptibility, decreased GIC sphere size, expansion, and stemness in vitro. To evaluate the tumor-suppressive function of miR-182 in vivo, we synthesized miR-182-based spherical nucleic acids (182-SNAs); i.e., gold nanoparticles covalently functionalized with mature miR-182 duplexes. Intravenously administered 182-SNAs penetrated the blood–brain/blood–tumor barriers (BBB/BTB) in orthotopic GBM xenografts and selectively disseminated throughout extravascular glioma parenchyma, causing reduced tumor burden and increased animal survival. Our results indicate that harnessing the anti-tumor activities of miR-182 via safe and robust delivery of 182-SNAs represents a novel strategy for therapeutic intervention in GBM.

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