


2015年4月20日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,来自昆士兰大学的研究者使得哺乳动物的一种“退休”的性基因重新复活过来,使其开启雄性小鼠的发育;这种名为Dmrt1的基因虽然不会被哺乳动物用来确定性别,但其却在决定许多脊椎动物的性别上扮演着重要的角色,比如青蛙、鱼类及鸟类等;相关研究为揭开决定人类和动物性别的基因的进化提供了新的研究线索和思路。



文章中研究者Liang Zhao表示,我们通过过表达基因Dmrt1就可以实现雌性向雄性的完全成功逆转;目前在哺乳动物中被认为有一些基因可以决定性别,而如今我们也可以将Dmrt1基因加入到这个性别决定的重要群组中。从进化学角度来讲,新基因接替老基因后,老基因就会退休但是当其处于合适的时间及位置时候其仍然会履行自己之前的功能或角色。



Female-to-male sex reversal in mice caused by transgenic overexpression of Dmrt1.

Zhao L1, Svingen T1, Ng ET1, Koopman P2.

Genes related to Dmrt1, which encodes a DNA-binding DM domain transcription factor, act as triggers for primary sex determination in a broad range of metazoan species. However, this role is fulfilled in mammals by Sry, a newly evolved gene on the Y chromosome, such that Dmrt1 has become dispensable for primary sex determination and instead maintains Sertoli cell phenotype in postnatal testes. Here, we report that enforced expression of Dmrt1 in XX mouse fetal gonads using a Wt1-BAC transgene system is sufficient to drive testicular differentiation and male secondary sex development. XX transgenic fetal gonads showed typical testicular size and vasculature. Key ovarian markers, including Wnt4 and Foxl2, were repressed. Sertoli cells expressing the hallmark testis-determining gene Sox9 were formed, although they did not assemble into normal testis cords. Other bipotential lineages differentiated into testicular cell types, including steroidogenic fetal Leydig cells and non-meiotic germ cells. As a consequence, male internal and external reproductive organs developed postnatally, with an absence of female reproductive tissues. These results reveal that Dmrt1 has retained its ability to act as the primary testis-determining trigger in mammals, even though this function is no longer normally required. Thus, Dmrt1 provides a common thread in the evolution of sex determination mechanisms in metazoans.

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