


2015年6月3日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –2015年5月29日,中国科学院生物物理所王江云与化学研究所夏安东等人合作在Journal of the American Chemical Society发表了最新研究论文报告了他们在基因密码子扩展模拟光合作用研究方面的最新研究成果。在这篇题为“ Ultrafast Photo-induced Electron Transfer in Green Fluorescent Protein Bearing a Genetically Encoded Electron Acceptor”的最新研究成果中,科学家通过基因编码的方法将一系列电子受体苯丙氨酸类似物引入绿色荧光蛋白,利用飞秒瞬态吸收光谱研究了绿色荧光蛋白中的光致电子转移过程,为研究生物大分子中的光致电子转移现象,及复杂还原酶的理性设计提供了有力工具。该研究将氟代硝基苯丙氨酸和间硝基苯丙氨酸两种电子受体非天然氨基酸通过基因密码子扩展手段定点插入到绿色荧光蛋白(GFP),首次实现了利用电子受体非天然氨基酸研究绿色荧光蛋白中的快速光致电子转移过程,并且与化学所夏安东研究组合作,利用飞秒瞬态光谱测量到电子转移发生在皮秒范围(接近光系统I中最快的电子转移步骤)。利用晶体结构研究测量了发色团到电子受体之间的距离,揭示了该电子转移过程是距离依赖的过程(与光系统I一致)。并且该电子受体非天然氨基酸的氧化还原电势与生物体内重要的氧化还原产物NAD(P)H,铁硫中心A和铁硫中心B类似,因此可为利用合成生物学手段模拟复杂还原酶(光系统I,氢酶,固氮酶等)进而研究其机制和模拟其功能提供新的方法。并且引入的氟原子还可用于对电子转移进行EPR和NMR测定。




Journal of the American Chemical Society 

  DOI: 10.1021/jacs.5b03652

Ultrafast Photo-induced Electron Transfer in Green Fluorescent Protein Bearing a Genetically Encoded Electron Acceptor

Electron transfer (ET) is widely used for driving the processes that underlie the chemistry of life. However, our abilities to probe electron transfer mechanisms in proteins and design redox enzymes are limited, due to the lack of methods to site‐specifically insert electron acceptors into proteins in vivo. Here we describe the synthesis and genetic incorporation of 4‐fluoro‐3‐nitrophenylalanine (FNO2Phe), which has similar reduction potentials to NAD(P)H and ferredoxin, the most important biological reductants. Through the genetic incorporation of FNO2Phe into green fluorescent protein (GFP) and femtosecond transient absorption measurement, we show that photo‐induced electron transfer (PET) from the GFP chromophore to FNO2Phe occurs very fast (within 11 picoseconds), which is comparable to that of the first electron transfer step in photosystem I, from P700* to A0. This genetically encoded, low‐reduction potential unnatural amino acid (UAA) can significantly improve our ability to investigate electron transfer mechanisms in complex reductases, and facilitate the design of miniature proteins which mimic their functions.


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