
Nat Commun:阐明基因编辑蛋白的分子机制

Nat Commun:阐明基因编辑蛋白的分子机制

2015年6月4日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –在全基因组中寻找一段特殊序列就好比从十亿个拼图中寻找到一块特殊的拼图,近日一篇刊登在国际杂志Nature Communications上的研究论文中,来自伊利诺伊大学的科学家们通过利用先进的成像技术揭示了一套基因编辑蛋白如何寻找到自己的特殊靶点,从而帮助设计治疗人类疾病的特殊基因疗法。






2015(第二届)基因编辑研讨会  6.25-26上海


Direct observation of TALE protein dynamics reveals a two-state search mechanism

Luke Cuculis, Zhanar Abil, Huimin Zhao & Charles M. Schroeder

Transcription activator-like effector (TALE) proteins are a class of programmable DNA-binding proteins for which the fundamental mechanisms governing the search process are not fully understood. Here we use single-molecule techniques to directly observe TALE search dynamics along DNA templates. We find that TALE proteins are capable of rapid diffusion along DNA using a combination of sliding and hopping behaviour, which suggests that the TALE search process is governed in part by facilitated diffusion. We also observe that TALE proteins exhibit two distinct modes of action during the search process—a search state and a recognition state—facilitated by different subdomains in monomeric TALE proteins. Using TALE truncation mutants, we further demonstrate that the N-terminal region of TALEs is required for the initial non-specific binding and subsequent rapid search along DNA, whereas the central repeat domain is required for transitioning into the site-specific recognition state.

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