
Nature communication:精神分裂?到底基因有何不同

                                                         Nature communication:精神分裂?到底基因有何不同
2015年7月13日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,来自美国UCLA的研究人员进行了一项研究,对导致精神分裂症的罕见基因突变进行了分析,加深了人们对于精神分裂症病人基因结构的认识。
总得来说,这项研究发现,除了一些常见基因突变可能导致精神分裂症的发生,精神分裂症病人的基因组中还包含着更多的编码基因罕见突变,这些罕见突变可能与精神分裂症的发生风险相关,但是否存在因果关系还未可知,仍需要进一步研究进行深入探究。 (基因宝jiyinbao.com)
Nature communication:精神分裂?到底基因有何不同
Genome-wide burden of deleterious coding variants increased in schizophrenia
Loes M. Olde Loohuis,Jacob A. S. Vorstman,Anil P. Ori,Kim A. Staats,Tina Wang,Alexander L. Richards,Ganna Leonenko,James T. Walters,Joseph DeYoung,GROUP consortium,Rita M. Cantor & Roel A. Ophoff
Schizophrenia is a common complex disorder with polygenic inheritance. Here we show that by using an approach that compares the individual loads of rare variants in 1,042 schizophrenia cases and 961 controls, schizophrenia cases carry an increased burden of deleterious mutations. At a genome-wide level, our results implicate non-synonymous, splice site as well as stop-altering single-nucleotide variations occurring at minor allele frequency of ≥0.01% in the population. In an independent replication sample of 5,585 schizophrenia cases and 8,103 controls of European ancestry we confirm an enrichment in cases of the alleles identified in our study. In addition, the genes implicated by the increased burden of rare coding variants highlight the involvement of neurodevelopment in the aetiology of schizophrenia.
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