2015年10月9日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,刊登在国际杂志Science上的一项研究报告中,来自首尔大学等处的科学家在影响小鼠记忆保存的的大脑海马体中发现了三种类型的抑制性调节子,该研究阐明了负向基因调控在大脑记忆和学习中的重要性。
Multiple repressive mechanisms in the hippocampus during memory formation
Jun Cho1,2,*, Nam-Kyung Yu2,*, Jun-Hyeok Choi2, Su-Eon Sim2, SukJae Joshua Kang2, Chuljung Kwak2, Seung-Woo Lee2, Ji-il Kim2, Dong Il Choi2, V. Narry Kim1,2,†, Bong-Kiun Kaang2,†
Memory stabilization after learning requires translational and transcriptional regulations in the brain, yet the temporal molecular changes that occur after learning have not been explored at the genomic scale. We used ribosome profiling and RNA sequencing to quantify the translational status and transcript levels in the mouse hippocampus after contextual fear conditioning. We revealed three types of repressive regulations: translational suppression of ribosomal protein-coding genes in the hippocampus, learning-induced early translational repression of specific genes, and late persistent suppression of a subset of genes via inhibition of estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1/ERα) signaling. In behavioral analyses, overexpressing Nrsn1, one of the newly identified genes undergoing rapid translational repression, or activating ESR1 in the hippocampus impaired memory formation. Collectively, this study unveils the yet-unappreciated importance of gene repression mechanisms for memory formation.