


2015年11月10日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –近日,来自希伯来大学的研究人员在国际学术期刊JCI上发表了一项最新研究进展,他们的研究结果或可帮助医生对一种可造成女性不孕以及青春期障碍的疾病进行诊断,同时对相关治疗方法的开发具有一定启示。









A mutation in the nucleoporin-107 gene causes XX gonadal dysgenesis

Ariella Weinberg-Shukron1,2, Paul Renbaum1, Rachel Kalifa3, Sharon Zeligson1, Ziva Ben-Neriah4, Amatzia Dreifuss3, Amal Abu-Rayyan5, Noa Maatuk6, Nilly Fardian3, Dina Rekler3, Moien Kanaan5, Abraham O. Samson6, Ephrat Levy-Lahad1,2, Offer Gerlitz3, and David Zangen7

Ovarian development and maintenance are poorly understood; however, diseases that affect these processes can offer insights into the underlying mechanisms. XX female gonadal dysgenesis (XX-GD) is a rare, genetically heterogeneous disorder that is characterized by underdeveloped, dysfunctional ovaries, with subsequent lack of spontaneous pubertal development, primary amenorrhea, uterine hypoplasia, and hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Here, we report an extended consanguineous family of Palestinian origin, in which 4 females exhibited XX-GD. Using homozygosity mapping and whole-exome sequencing, we identified a recessive missense mutation in nucleoporin-107 (NUP107, c.1339G>A, p.D447N). This mutation segregated with the XX-GD phenotype and was not present in available databases or in 150 healthy ethnically matched controls. NUP107 is a component of the nuclear pore complex, and the NUP107-associated protein SEH1 is required for oogenesis in Drosophila. In Drosophila, Nup107 knockdown in somatic gonadal cells resulted in female sterility, whereas males were fully fertile. Transgenic rescue of Drosophila females bearing the Nup107D364N mutation, which corresponds to the human NUP107 (p.D447N), resulted in almost complete sterility, with a marked reduction in progeny, morphologically aberrant eggshells, and disintegrating egg chambers, indicating defective oogenesis. These results indicate a pivotal role for NUP107 in ovarian development and suggest that nucleoporin defects may play a role in milder and more common conditions such as premature ovarian failure.

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