



2015年11月12日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ –最近,美国西北大学的研究人员发表了一项最新研究进展,他们发现了机体生物钟用以调节胰腺beta细胞合成分泌胰岛素,控制血糖水平的全新基因图谱,这项发现将促进糖尿病新治疗方法的开发。
该研究团队主要研究胰腺内的beta细胞,beta细胞是分泌胰岛素入血帮助机体吸收葡萄糖的重要细胞类型。研究人员对正常的以及生物钟基因功能紊乱的beta细胞进行了全基因组测序,揭示了beta细胞内受到生物钟调节以适应昼夜循环的几千个基因。Dr. Joe Bass表示他们建立了一个新的基因图谱来展示胰腺beta细胞内适应外部环境昼夜变化的所有基因,这些基因表达的产物都与昼夜循环密切相关,同时还与参与睡眠,进食以及能量储存有关的生物钟机制存在密切关联。
Pancreatic β cell enhancers regulate rhythmic transcription of genes controlling insulin secretion
Mark Perelis, Biliana Marcheva, Kathryn Moynihan Ramsey, Matthew J. Schipma, Alan L. Hutchison, Akihiko Taguchi, Clara Bien Peek, Heekyung Hong, Wenyu Huang, Chiaki Omura, Amanda L. Allred, Christopher A. Bradfield, Aaron R. Dinner, Grant D. Barish, and Joseph Bass
The mammalian transcription factors CLOCK and BMAL1 are essential components of the molecular clock that coordinate behavior and metabolism with the solar cycle. Genetic or environmental perturbation of circadian cycles contributes to metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes. To study the impact of the cell-autonomous clock on pancreatic b cell function, we examined pancreatic islets from mice with either intact or disrupted BMAL1 expression both throughout life and limited to adulthood. We found pronounced oscillation of insulin secretion that was synchronized with the expression of genes encoding secretory machinery and signaling factors that regulate insulin release. CLOCK/ BMAL1 colocalized with the pancreatic transcription factor PDX1 within active enhancers distinct from those controlling rhythmic metabolic gene networks in liver. We also found that b cell clock ablation in adult mice caused severe glucose intolerance. Thus, cell type-specific enhancers underlie the circadian control of peripheral metabolism throughout life and may help to explain its dysregulation in diabetes.
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